footfreakboy2000: miss may i tell you something please?
Ceara Lynch: go for it
footfreakboy2000: miss i am in love with you
Ceara Lynch: i bet
footfreakboy2000: yes miss lynch
footfreakboy2000: would you marry with me plz?
Ceara Lynch: …..
Ceara Lynch: yes lets get married
footfreakboy2000: i’m serious miss
Ceara Lynch: yeah me too
Ceara Lynch: lets do it
footfreakboy2000: where can we meet then miss lynch?
Ceara Lynch: lets meet in vegas
footfreakboy2000: are you located there now miss?
Ceara Lynch: yeah
footfreakboy2000: ok how about next weekend there miss?
Ceara Lynch: sounds good
footfreakboy2000: where in Vegas miss?
Ceara Lynch: the flamingo lobby
footfreakboy2000: ok
footfreakboy2000: on sunday?
Ceara Lynch: yeah 1pm
Ceara Lynch: look for me, i’ll be the one wearing the wedding dress
footfreakboy2000: thanks miss
Ceara Lynch: no problem
footfreakboy2000: what would u expect me to bring for u miss?
Ceara Lynch: a ring, obviously
footfreakboy2000: yes miss
footfreakboy2000: anything else?
Ceara Lynch: nah, that’ll do
footfreakboy2000: thanks miss
Ceara Lynch: im just so excited to get married to the man of my dreams
footfreakboy2000: i am too miss.i love u
Ceara Lynch: i love you too
footfreakboy2000: may i call u lynch?
Ceara Lynch: well Im not going to have that name for very long
footfreakboy2000: what name u would have then?
Ceara Lynch: yours, obviously
footfreakboy2000: i am bill mckown
Ceara Lynch: oh ok good to know
Ceara Lynch: can i see a picture?
footfreakboy2000: sure
Ceara Lynch: like, now?
footfreakboy2000: i am worried miss
Ceara Lynch: about what?
footfreakboy2000: that u see me and dont like me
Ceara Lynch: how can you say that? we are in love
Ceara Lynch: i’ve never felt like this before
Ceara Lynch: I cant wait to tell my parents, they will be so happy
footfreakboy2000: wont you dismiss me if i dont look sexy miss?
Ceara Lynch: you are my fiancee
Ceara Lynch: how can you say that?
footfreakboy2000: what do you want from me miss to accept it?
Ceara Lynch: accept what?
footfreakboy2000: my request to be your man
Ceara Lynch: you are my man!!
Ceara Lynch: ive already accepted!
footfreakboy2000: why did you accept lynch?
Ceara Lynch: because i love you
footfreakboy2000: why do you love me?
Ceara Lynch: because you’re so great
footfreakboy2000: i say i am serious but u are not
Ceara Lynch: i dont think you are serious
Ceara Lynch: i said yes to your proposal but you wont acccept it
footfreakboy2000: ok what do you want me to do to show i am serious?
footfreakboy2000: what are your conditions
Ceara Lynch: i want you to believe me
footfreakboy2000: i believe u lynch
Ceara Lynch: i want you to believe that im in love with you
footfreakboy2000: i believe whatever you say
Ceara Lynch: and i want a picture of you
footfreakboy2000: ok
footfreakboy2000: i hope u like me
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footfreakboy2000 would like to send you 1 file, DSC00112.jpg (37.2K).
Ceara Lynch: HAHAHAHA
Ceara Lynch: OMG
Ceara Lynch: YOU ARE SO UGLY
footfreakboy2000: 🙁
footfreakboy2000: that is so cruel
Ceara Lynch: nah
Ceara Lynch: whats cruel is me posting this on my blog
footfreakboy2000: what
footfreakboy2000: did you lie to me?