My studio hasn’t been as actively updated lately for number of reasons. Namely, another school quarter is upon me again and my focus has been there. My head buried in books and my fingers typing away research proposals and diligent note taking. Since I bring this up, a reminder to all you eager-to-please dimwits: NO, I do not take homework slaves. That’s just a weird manipulative way of passing along the power to control my GPA. Not going to happen.
My squeal to die for me has been slowly climbing the charts. No surprise there, I guess, but what I was really hoping was to see my new "red light green light" clip up there. It’s such a fresh new idea I can’t believe no one else ever thought of it. Oh well, it’s selling like crazy non the less.
In other news, the gossip rag hogspy just posted my beat it clip. I guess that’s cool. Hogspy is kinda like womenrule’s blog only it doesn’t suck.

Fresh Feet
What can I say? My feet are perfect. Addicts like you can’t get enough so you buy up any clip that features them. Drool baby. Worship the screen because we all know you’re never going to see these puppies in real life.
Kiss it
Butt addicts rejoice! My perfect, round, juicy ass above you and ready for worship. Pucker up and give it a kiss, but not before you pay for the privilege of course. My perfection only makes you look smaller. Get used to your place.
Dying is overrated
This clips is in the C4S top 50 list!
Back by popular demand — the infamous
die for me clip inspired some new ideas in me. After all, why you for just one kiss? Sure that’d be amusing, but I have more long term plans for you. Signing your assets away, complete slavery, and of course castration. That’s right sweetie, you weren’t really using that thing anyway, right? Slice it off and retrieve your reward.
Girlfriend masturbation instruction
So your girlfriend just found all your Ceara Lynch jerk off clips, and she’s jealous…. Not of me, but of you! Why do you get all the fun of abuse and genital control? I warp the minds of men and women alike, and now its your little sluts turn to rub it to my command. Grab the fug’s vibrator and buy her this clip. I mean, it’s about time you gave her orgasm for once, right? Ha.
Red Light Green Light
Wanna play my little game? It’s very simple; green light you stroke, red light you stop. Sounds easy enough but I’m going to make it torture for you. There’s nothing like complete cock control in the hands of Ceara Lynch to leave you a twitching, whimpering mess. Just as I build you up, I shut you down. Beg all you want for the green light, I’m in control here. And just to be extra cruel, I’m going to count you down, only to ruin your orgasm in the end. Enjoy, jerkboy.
Catch my virus
Ugh, I hate being sick. My nose is running, my head is pounding, and I can’t stop sneezing. I was planning on making some more mind bogglingly sexy clips, but instead Im blowing globs mucus into tissue after tissue. I’d love nothing more then to make one of you bottom feeders eat up one of these snot rags and catch my virus. What a disgustingly wonderful opportunity that would be for you.
Tribute your goddess
So you call yourself a true goddess worshiper? Prove it. You dedicated your life to the Cearean fate and now it’s time to surrender all that you’ve worked for. A true slave knows the #1 most important rule of worshiping a goddess like me: always pay. Cash is what I crave and as a groveling little peon you should be falling over yourself desperate to hand it over, lay it at my feet, and then beg for me to pay just one glimpse at you.