I swear to god I do more things as a Domme than just watch guys eat their poop and post fake ss# so dudes who totally buy into the blackmail game can explode their heads in fury. For instance; I talk on the phone! Amazing right? I had a nice long conversation with Monique’s infamous controladdict, Randy. I hadn’t talked to him in a couple years now; back when I was a "young pup," as he put it. I asked him if that meant that now I’m like an old dog ready to be put to sleep and he spazzed like a 12 year old girl with "OMG OMG NOOOO YOU’RE LIKE AN ICON!!!" Anyway, we talked for like an hour about mind fuck games and all the ways he wants to be useful for me and team tease. What a trooper. This guy is really living the jerk off dream. All of his disposable income goes to pounding off and smoking weed. What little pride he has in his life comes for the delusional notion that he "perfected" Monique’s middle finger and was the first to coin the phrase "control addict." Uh huh, right Randy. Sure.
The mongoloid has been around lately. My god this bitch is needy. Messages me every fucking day "i need you goddess" "plz control my life goddess" "why wont you talk to me goddess." SO ANNOYING. He recently paid me $500 to be blackmailed so if anyone wants his wife’s email address just let me know.
And with that, I leave you with a letter from the mailbag:
"Dear Ceara. Today the balls not feel good. Because of so much jerk. Why to jerk so much? Because of you!!!!!! Hopefully the balls will not will not hurt so much in the future of balls."