Well hi there.


Miss me boys? Crying your little eyes out wondering if I’m retiring at the bitter ole age of 24 because I haven’t posted a new clip in 2 weeks? Feel the need to get on my case about it? Just look deep into those big brown doe eyes and send me all your money. You’ll feel so much better afterward. Trust me.

Hey, it made Steve happy.

"Hi Princess Ceara,
I have to say…you are terrific jerk off material…
Indiana CFNM"

Right on, Steve!

Anyway, I’ve been in the process of uploading all my clips onto a new server and selling them in full quality through niteflirt. If you’re on my NF mailing list, you’ve already received the first couple batch of paid mails. If you’re not on my mailing list – join below:


Back from Vegas


Just starting to get back in the swing of things after a very eventful weekend in Vegas. I dont even know where to begin, so I won’t. I took no pictures, as usual, so if peering eyes want to know, my camera-happy partner in crime has the
goods. I had a fabulous time meeting some like minded people, including, of course, Rene, as well as Leah Starr, Miss sweet feet Michelle, Sarah Blake, Miss Taylor, and the unstoppable kinkbomb team. Monique and I got insane amounts of shooting done in between partying our asses off and have 6 brand spankin new members of Team Tease just waiting to be introduced to eager pin-dicks like yourself. Do you fuckers love me or what?

All this traveling sandwiched between school is exhausting. Im sure you pups have noticed my clip store has been very much neglected. Out of character for me, but not for long. I plan on shooting my lovely self this weekend and getting that steady stream of oh-so addicting content back in full gear.  I have huge plans for 2011, it’s going to be a fabulous year.

In other news, my pretty young face is featured in this month’s issue of Vice magazine, once again;


This is the "dos and donts" column, a sort of hipster fashion editorial written by men. I submitted my favorite picture taken on Halloween night at the fetish ball and these elitist fags ate it up. I gotta admit, being the crass person that I am I was kinda hoping to be a "don’t," but alas, we can’t always get what we want.  

Christmas in January

Well, there is one good thing about arriving home a week later than expected during the holiday season; the fat stack of gifts awaiting my arrival.

Yeah thats me, all pale faced, no make up, and effortlessly looking oh-so bad ass with a cigar still wrapped in plastic. That’s just how I roll.

Lipstick lovers

Man, who would of thought just 3 clips would sky rocket my entire studio to the #1 for the lipstick fetish category? It’s like I don’t even have to try anymore. I think Im going to play a game where I see what little effort I have to put into completely dominating every category I specialize in.

Life is glorious. I almost don’t even care that Im still stuck in Norfolk. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go wrap my luscious top selling lips around some fine Belgian ales at the bier garden.


I guess I should pay a bit more attention to this blog. What up blog? How are you? Good? Great, me too.

Just kidding, actually. I went to Norfolk Virginia for the holidays and now Im stuck in biggest blizzard this city has seen in past 20 years or so. Im lucky that Im not stuck at any airport, but Im kicking myself that I just took 99% of my work off my laptop before leaving. Work is my distraction and I could sure use some right now to pass the time. I have no clue when I can get on a flight back and continental airlines has blessed their paying customers with a website that directs them to a phone number which directs them back to the website. Thanks assholes.

Whatever, it’s not like Im incapable of generating some cash while Im out here. Its just probably not the most classiest move to turn on the ole fetish cam in my pseudo mother-in-laws guest room. But since when was class ever a concern for me? If you boys are lucky, you may be able to catch me today on YIM, showing my ass and flipping the bird amongst a pastel floral comforter and christian hummel figurines.

Anyway, the domme scene blog (that little place on the internet I hate to love these days) posted an entry from someone who brought up the moral implications of financially draining subs with families. For those of you who missed it and are curious of my ethical stance of these submissive men who spend past their means and effect the lives of those around them, here it is:

“I hold strongly to the philosophy that a slave’s worth is indicative upon the amount of money and resources he ultimately deprives from his dependants. I have an unsatiable appetite for financial gain. Turning countless stepford housewives into common street walkers is just one of many strategies I implement into my grand scheme. Offering up their bleeding, disease-filled orifices for my morning java adds an extra pep to my morning step I’ve grown quite accustom to.

Children are not exempt from sacrificing for my empire either. One of my more unique slave requirements is the daily photographic reports of their children’s bare, malnourished chests. The length of their protruding rib cage is directly proportional to the amount of money I’ve extorted from them. Their hopeless despair results in a constant stream of tears that, when mixed with a dash of essential oils, makes for a fantastic weekend massage.

Christmas is a special time of year I allow my slave’s spawns to buy custom clips of me burning a plethora of the most popular toys that year to warm the smallest room in my multi million dollar mansion for roughly an hour or so. So really, I do give back.

Merry Christmas, everyone.”


adrianna: I would appreciate if you stop telling your submissives to lie to other submissives saying that I have someone operate my Instant messenger. That is NOT true and what your doing is slander and believe me I will NOT tolerate it. I work for a law firm and if I have to take action I will.
Ceara Lynch: what?
adrianna: 2 boys have contacted me tonight saying that you’re having your submissives spread this rumor. I have written documentation from 2 individuals that I will use if I have to. You need to cease and desist immediately.
Ceara Lynch: haha, what?? I have no idea who you are
adrianna: I’m just letting you know what I have been told.
Ceara Lynch: no youre not
Ceara Lynch: youre telling me to stop doing something I’m not doing and threatening legal action (hilarious)
adrianna: they have given your name
adrianna: I work for a law firm, I find nothing funny about slanderous stuff and submissives giving me your instant messenger
Ceara Lynch: Oh god, please take legal action
Ceara Lynch: seriously, waste a lot time
Ceara Lynch: that would be awesome
Ceara Lynch: tell me how hard they laugh
adrianna: You really need to grow up. I would hope if someone came to you with this information you would try to get to the bottom of it.
Ceara Lynch: no, I wouldnt, who fucking cares?
Ceara Lynch: people talk shit about me constantly, thats life
Ceara Lynch: but seriously, I have no flipping clue who you are
Ceara Lynch: sounds like youre being played, I wouldnt fall for it
adrianna: Yes I agree. I deal with it everyday and thats why I take action. Not taking action lets it perpetuate into something bigger and people start to believe it. Think big picture
Ceara Lynch: I think you have that backwards.
adrianna: Here is the yahoo ID of one of the individuals saying you said this—-> se2*******
Ceara Lynch: yeah i know who that is, want me to tell you about him?
adrianna: Its not one of my boys
adrianna: it was a friend who told me
Ceara Lynch: se2******* is your friend?
adrianna: no
adrianna: A friend who is a submissive but does NOT serve me talks to him and another sub and apparently they gave these statements about you
Ceara Lynch: ok, so you heard from a guy, who heard from a guy, that Im spreading rumors about you?
adrianna: My friend I just refered to said this is a rumor going around and he keeps getting the same story that you’re telling boys to say this. If you’re not fine. But at least you are now aware of this
Ceara Lynch: ok, sweety, when you get third hand information like this, you should really try a different approach that to start immediately threatening legal action because theres a big chance theres no validity behind the rumors
Ceara Lynch: se2******* is a total snake. The guy has contacted numerous subs of mine trying to get free clips. he would ask to trade, threaten them, pretend to be my boyfriend, many different tactics.
adrianna: First off so not call me sweetie, second off go fuck yourself and third off stop using domination as a meal ticket. Go back to school and get an education! Have a great night SWEETIE
Ceara Lynch: okay sugartits, you have a nice night too. Im going to post this on my blog, don’t sue me. haha.

A response to “A vicious cycle”

This is in response to: http://womenrule6699.livejournal.com/288924.html 

So, you want to do something about producer’s ability to recognize a market, hire people to make a product and then sell it at whatever price they want? That’s fighting capitalism.

You want to change a man’s tendency to favor attractive women over less attractive women? That’s fighting the power of beauty.

You insist on us all acting in a loving sisterhood that supports one another despite what enormously stupid and aggravating women might be a part of it said sisterhood? That’s fighting human nature.

Good luck.

I’m not saying any of those are unworthy battles to take on. Really, I’m not totally convinced capitalism is the best system in the world, but it’s certainly working for me. If given the choice, I’d like the world to be on a more even playing field in terms of looks and diminish this unhealthy obsession we all have with beauty, but I also happen to be beautiful as well as profit from the beauty of others, so I guess that’s working for me too. Finally, it would be nice if we all had a basic level of respect for one another and didn’t lash out aggressively for no reason, but then again, I’ve learned to enjoy that kind of drama. So I suppose I have that working for me too.

This, I argue, is the true definition of dominance; recognizing the things you cannot change and manipulating what you can to make it work for you. I believe this is the truest form of control anyone could have.


On another note, I think I may be suffering from some kind of spontaneous amnesia. I’ve been a humiliatrix since 2006, which is long enough to have experienced the “golden age” of online domming as described by my fellow peers. They speak of an abundance of good, loyal, respectful slaves like native Americans talk about the many moons ago when salmon in the rivers were so plentiful you could walk across the water on their backs. What a glorious and majestic time this was, right? Uh right.

There has always been asshole subs. Always. Before online domming, before the internet, probably even before the term BDSM was invented. “Wanker” was one of the first niche-specific words I learned. Lyne once told me, before I started my website and long before anyone started a clip store, that she was getting burnt out of all these rude assholes and wasting her time. Why do people suddenly think this is a new phenomenon caused by anything other than the personal responsibility of the sub themselves?

My first year testing the waters of online domming I wondered what I was doing wrong. I was making pretty good money, but nowhere near what some other Dommes posted about. I realized after a while that I just didn’t understand all the sneaky little games subs would pull on me to waste my time. Domming 101 is a lot of trial and error learning about all the many ways subs will try and fuck with you. If you’re observant enough, these strategies become unbelievably predictable and there aren’t very many of them.

So what about this ongoing rumor that points fingers at various sources claiming them responsible for the change in this scene? My request? Prove it. Seriously, who has a single ounce of credible evidence that shows a direct cause and effect link to someone or something to this supposed change? As someone who was "there" and should just "know" what you’re talking about, I simply do not see it. So unless you’ve done a scientific study, which accounts for all extraneous variables, you’re just pulling ideas out of your ass. Correlation is not causation. Our minds are wired to draw conclusions based on the quickest, most obviously apparent explanation. It does this for convenience, not accuracy. 

“Why is it that women who are supposed to be in control are getting into internet fist-fights over things like BOYS, who is real and who isn’t, and various other reasons?”

Not everyone is going to get along all of the time. When I first started on livejournal Angel and I got into a pretty big tiff. A sub I had been chatting with sent me a video of himself dancing around like a sissy. I posted on my blog and out of no where, this domme I’d never heard of started attacking me since apparently it was her video she recorded of him on cam. Much to the excitement of our audience, we had a lovely eye gouging, hair pulling cat fight which eventually ended when the dust settled and we saw that both of us were still standing. Neither of us were going to take each others bullshit and that created a mutual respect. We’ve been cool ever sense.

Is this scene catty? Rude? Insecure at times? Yes absolutely. But guess what? Were all adults. Not only that, were supposedly dominant women. If you can’t handle the inevitable drama and flame war that comes with any loosely controlled community on the internet, I’d argue you’re not quite the dominant or capable person you think you are. I identify fully as a feminist, but not to the feminist stereotype. I don’t believe in an unconditionally loving sisterhood. I will respect a woman as a woman, but that doesn’t mean I have to like her. That doesn’t mean she’s exempt from every ignorant notion that comes out of her mouth. And it certainly doesn’t mean she doesn’t have to sink or swim like the rest of us in this industry.


All that said, I want share with you my personal relationship with this scene. I look at it in 3 different ways; as a lifestyle, as an interest, and as a business. Personally my relationship to it falls into the latter two. It is an interest to me because bizarre fetishes and sexuality in general have always fascinated me. It is a business to me in the sense that I saw an opportunity on the table and seized it. I saw a demand and created the supply. It is not a lifestyle to me, however, as I don’t really think I’m a princess, goddess, or do I think all men should immediately bow to my feet. To be honest, I think that’s freakin loony outside of the fetish context. Which again comes back to why it is simply an interest to me: I like crazy shit.

Here’s what I think more people need to understand: the fetish scene is huge, the lifestyle is not. Most men care about women meeting some vague, subjective standard of what makes a “real domme” about as much as they care about whether your new gucci bag is authentic. All they really want to know is if you can act convincingly dominant for the 5-10 minutes it takes to scratch their itch and then go about their day. If you truly believe these models are taking all the good subs, turning them into spoiled brats and interfering with your opportunity to establish and explore real D/s relationships, here’s my advice to you:

Don’t charge for it.

That’s it. Voila. I guarantee you the moment you start exploring your true and passionate identity without charging for it, a plethora of submissive men will be begging at your doorstep (some assholes, some not.) Women are really lucky in the sense that there are far less of us who truly embrace the kink scene for what it is. For every kinky girl, there are 100 kinky guys competing to play. We have our pick of the litter. But guess what? It doesn’t entitle you to money as well. You’re going to actually have to work for that. And yes, even pay attention to what men want. But that’s okay, because you’re interested in true submissives anyway, not these pesky fetishists. Right?

“Great, we surely welcome them to explore this side of themselves and really learn how it feels to be the woman in charge. What percentage of models being hired is truly dominant though?”

I don’t know. What percentage of women who stumble across this community are truly dominant? Why does one deserve more acceptance than the other? If we can’t collectively agree on what makes someone “truly dominant” how are we suppose to agree on who possesses such a trait?

I’ll tell you what I think would be true female dominance in this scene: if women worked in this industry beyond their own shortsighted single-domme studios. This is why Monique and I created Team Tease. We know that us as individuals only have so much longevity in front of the camera, so we’re setting ourselves up to work behind it. And why not? Why leave that opportunity on the table for another man to inevitably pick up himself, as oppose to taking the opportunity create a female positive environment that future models can feel comfortable working in? There is not enough of that in the domme scene, the sex industry, the modeling industry, or in the world in general, in my opinion.

Which is why I think it’s kind of sad how desperately some of us cling to the nostalgia of “our little world” where women supposedly controlled everything. We don’t have to make up virtual worlds, I propose making a difference in the real world. Find a male dominated industry you’re interested in and penetrate it with your big fat figurative strap on. Show that it’s possible and pave the way for other women until we can loosen our grip on the philosophy behind this shaky virtual world most people have never heard of or care about.

Why are there sites like MDS run by a man? Why does a man control the Domme Scene blog and has a tendency to embraceone Domme over another? Because a man decided he wanted to do it, and did. And you can too. Really, it isn’t that hard. Just DO it. Be the change you want to see, and I promise you, it will have a far bigger impact than just bitching about the change you want to see.

Happy thanksgiving everyone.