
I had a tough day, and so haven’t we all
I am so sorry
sorry about the spellingto – I cando better, but sometimes my fat fingers hit the wrongkeys and I don’t pay attention. Please forgive me…
I DON’t want tofight!!!
please oh please – Relax and have a good weekend!
I Sincerely aam sorry for interupting your evening!!!!!

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Message #5
Awwww – It must have been trama- sorry for the spelling…
Dyslexly-full yours
I luv U still
really you can’t offer me 3 or 4 or 5 minutes
I usually play for much nore than that…if all goes well that is
ok – thanks for makingyour aquantance (sp).

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Message #6 (A delayed response to “why would I want to talk to you for free?”)
You already DID!

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