What would I do without your unsolicited advice?

It seems the more money I make, the more I’m missing out on. At the end of the day, the copious amounts I generate doing what I want just aren’t enough. Thank god for all you subs out there with your well lubricated hand ready to furiously fist my ass and make me your puppet. Your personal tastes are both universal and marketable.

I would make so much more money if I were nicer

I would make so much more money if I were meaner

I would make so much more money if I wore leather

I would make so much more money if I smiled more

I would make so much more money if I showed my tits

I would make so much more money if I talked to subs longer

I would make so much more money if I demanded more money

I would make so much more money if I were a lesbian

I would make so much more money if I cam verified

I would make so much more money if I wore flip flops

I would make so much more money if I wore heels

I would make so much more money if I did real time

I would make so much more money if I blackmailed before payment

I would make so much more money if I switched

I would make so much more money if I met you

I would make so much more money if I lost weight

I would make so much more money if I gained weight

I would make so much more money if I did racial humiliation

I would make so much more money if I were someone else

I would make so much more money if I were a real domme

I would make so much more money if my clips were insanely hardcore

I would make so much more money if I wore more lipstick

I would make so much more money if I wore less make up

I would make so much more money if I did a clip with her

I would make so much more money if I did a clip like that

I would make so much more money if I just listened

I would make so much more money if…….

Filthy, nasty, republican loser

Dear Dr. Lynch,

i have watched Your video on U.S. healthcare reform. i am a stupid male who thinks with his little three inch dick. i am a filthy nasty republican loser who have been against healthcare reform. i am a selfish loser. i am also a 43 year old virgin who has never had sex with a Woman or even a girlfriend. i have never even kissed or held hands with a girl. After watching Your video You are correct in that Women know better and should be running this country. i will be writing Senator Mc Connell and telling him to listen to Dr. Ceara Lynch and support the healthcare reform bill. Superior Women such as Nancy Pelosi, Patty Murray, Maria Caldwell, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Boxer, and other superior Women politicians know what is best for this country and that is voting "Yes" on healthcare reform.

Republicans are made up of small dicked loser white males like me and ignorant and stupid Women like Sarah Palin. Thank You Dr. Lynch for opening my eyes to what a loser i am and i am ashmed to be a member of the republican party. i am also ashamed of being a filthy male loser. i will continue to watch Your videos and obey You. i will be leaving the republican party, You have opened my eyes Dr. Lynch.

And the winner goes to… turdboy!

"hi: i’m actually very surprised i got this for under a hundred. i figured something this fabulous would go for a couple of hundred at least. maybe all my competition was still on holiday. well, that’s good for me. i’ll put these treasures to good use. i am hoping to catch YOUR cold and get really sick. if i suffer from it i will pretend YOU’re actually here slapping me with all YOUR might. that would be so awesome. YOU probably don’t remember me, but when YOU first came to ebanned, YOU very generously allowed me to buy and eat YOUR shit. that was money well spent. having YOUR shit in my mouth while looking at YOUR incredible pictures was a thrill like most people are never lucky enough to have. YOU made me feel very special indeed. in a perfect world, i would spend my life as a living toilet for a GIRL like YOU. how awesome would that be for me, or for any male. i will have to mail the payment to YOU. please send me YOUR address and the payment will go out in the morning. i am VERY eager to stuff YOUR tissues into my mouth and savor the super erotic thrill of being YOUR trash can. i hope some are still moist with YOUR snot. i think they will taste better that way and also the viruses stand a better chance of still being contagious. i LOVED YOUR video when YOU sneezed. i would love to have YOU sneeze in my face. that would produce an instant erection. i’m going to have a lot of fun with this. i sincerly appreciated YOU sharing these beautiful things with us guys. YOUR generosity is overwhelming. YOU could have just thrown them away, but instead YOU are giving us the remarkable oportunity of actually getting to see, hold, smell, taste, and then eat a rare and intimate product that came from YOUR exquisite body. for me, this is a genuine privilege. again, i thank YOU for the honor. YOUR toilet: turdboy (aka kopkop)"

Blast from the past. This guy wrote me one of my favorite gems from the mail bag. I seriously hopes he get sick.

Snot rags

A couple days ago I got really sick and I’m still fighting it off. I should be better soon and in tip-top shape to bust out some new clips, including the custom ones I have on queue. Until then, I’m making the most of feeling like shit and dragging you losers down with me. Check out my auction, buy my snot rags, it will make me smile.

Bid Here

The best of Vice..

My last day in New York I shared a pleasant coffee and stroll around East Village with Jesse, the editor of Vice magazine. He gave me a copy of the new book, the best of Vice, which naturally features the article I wrote for them a few years back. You can buy here on amazon, I’m on page 306. It was great to meet Jesse. He’s been following my blog (not this one) for a number of years now. He doesnt keep up with this one so we had an interesting conversation about the new breed of freaks I deal with these days. He’s very interested in me writing another article, I figure its about due.

Last clips of 2009

One of my latest clips is climbing the charts, now available on niteflirt. This is the last of them for the year. Buy them up fucker!! My C4S store has already reached the 5 figures once again. Yeah, thats how I do. Doesnt that make you so hot that you want to send me more? Dont worry, thats common. The best remedy is to just give in. Only a few precious hours left in the year to do so. Make yourself useful and surrender.

Old man ATM
Look at you. Over twice my age and half as strong. You think I’m just a naive young girl who has no idea how much influence I have over you. That’s where you’re wrong. I’m wise beyond my years and I know exactly how a crusty old man like you thinks. Further more I know just how to manipulate you to my fullest advantage. You can’t look away from me, my words pull you in like a spell. Before you know it, I’m plucking 100 dollar bills from your offering hands one by one. How much can I get in just 10 minutes?


Breaking his ribs
Slave asscrack is the biggest loser I’ve ever met. Some slaves amuse me, some please me, others bring out the pure sadist in me. This is one of them. I decided to let out my aggression by trampling him as hard as I could in my leather boots, adding a few swift kicks to the balls with I’m at it. The best part is that I got to do this right after Princess Lyne had at him, so he was already tremendously sore and tender. The expressions on his face are priceless. He is in SERIOUS pain. No padding, no cups. This is the real deal.


Virgin ass lover
How sad is it to be SO obsessed with something you can never have? Nice, meaty, perfect ass. It’s torture, I know, but you just cant look away. I can grab it, shake it, and slide my panties down and all you can do is drool and jerk. Beg all you want, this is as far as you get. Stroke it to my instruction, it’s almost like sex! not really… HA HA HA


Self Destruction
This clips is on the C4S top 50 chart!
Fans of my ever popular interactive blackmail clip are going to love this. What’s more powerful than seducing you into surrendering your personal information to me? Cutting out the middle man and forcing YOU to send an all exposing confession to your wife. I love to see how far I can push you when you dick is hard and your mind is deep in sub space – this is the ultimate test. See if you can finish it without completely destroying your own life


Sick boots
Another incredible pair of boots to exploit your fetish and manipulate your weaknesses. My highest pair yet – they reach all that way up mid thigh and have a sexy corset backing. But of course even more important than the boots is the hot bitch wearing them. I know just how to get into that boot obsessed mind of yours and turn you into my heel sucking slave. Time to submit.