Pussy 101

Every so often, depending on the time of the month and usually after I go for a run, I frost the inside of my panties. It’s a grotesquely fascinating and erotic sight I’ve witnessed since my early teens.


If you could be a fly in the wall of my bathroom it wouldn’t be an unusual to see me sitting on the toilet, panties wrapped around my knees, scrapping a thick layer of cream from underwear to study and play with it between my fingertips.

For whatever reason, as a teenager, I had an somewhat unusually healthy outlook on my pussy. While other girls buried themselves in self consciousness and private concerns of normality, I got great joy out of “educating” (e.g. needlessly shocking) boys I would never sleep with about what my pussy does.


There was a time I was sitting with a group of friends (boys and girls) at restaurant when I was about 15. I slipped my panties off from under the table and showed them the inside crotch to show them that girls get ‘wet’ even when they’re not aroused.

Another time during my junior year of high school I came out of the bathroom with thick fluid on my fingers so I could quiz my male friends on what it was. I then licked it off just as the look of horror and confused arousal reached their face when I told them. If they articulated any kind of disgust, I’d call them a fag.


Is it any surprise I started selling my panties online at 18? What better way to monetize my bodily functions? What better audience than panty sniffing perverts to validate the sick, eccentric thrill I got out of showing it off to men I’d never be intimate with? It’s truly the job I was meant for.


Those of you who follow me on twitter (@cearalynch) probably know I’m prone to posting images like these. The responses tend to fall on two ends of the spectrum; extreme arousal or extreme disgust. I totally understand and expect both. These responses go hand in hand with everything relating to sex and bodily fluids; some guys are going to find it insanely hot while other guys like a penis in their mouth.


Almost just as often, however, are guys who are completely confused. They have no idea what it is; confusing it for semen, suggesting I have an infection, or accusing me faking it with spit or lotion. For those men here’s a crash course on how the pussy works:

The vagina a self cleaning orifice. Discharge is a healthy sign that it’s doing job to clean and protect itself. Depending on the time of the month it will look thick and white (usually before menstruation), clear and stretchy (during ovulation), brownish/red (during menstruation) or clear and watery (anytime.)   Discharge can increase due to heavy exercise (true in my case), birth control, stress, or sexual arousal. Only if it is green, yellow, chunky and/or accompanied with an unusual odor, burning or itching should their be any concern for infection.

[For more information: http://www.healthline.com/symptom/vaginal-discharge]

I can see why a lot of men might get confused; if you don’t have a pussy or much experience with them, why wouldn’t you be? You don’t often see this in porn for the same reason you don’t see poop during anal; it all gets carefully cleaned out in advance. Certainly it does sometimes resemble hand lotion or saliva, but why would I use that if I have a well functioning vagina? Accusations like this do nothing more than showcase the accusers complete ignorance towards how pussy works.


Granted, my panties don’t always look like this, which is why I take pictures when they do. It actually varies quite a bit and is difficult to predict. As a result, the panties I auction on ebanned don’t always get this “filled” within the standard 48 hour wear. If you’re interested super wet, creamy panties frome me, your best course of action is to follow me twitter (@cearalynch) and email me (contact@cearalynch.com) as soon as you see me post a picture, be ready to pay $150-$200 for them right away and usually I can ship them to you same day.

Good luck!

15 thoughts on “Pussy 101

  1. Anodyne

    And this is only 101, which I assume is the big lecture class. Can I take advanced courses, or perhaps some kind of independent study?

  2. Flawless Melissa

    I love this blog. Had I found it at 16 I would of been saved years of thinking I was abnormal.
    Even women have looked at me like I am crazy when I explain my “normal functions.”
    Thanks for another educational post that goes beyond gifts and money.

  3. gtier

    “To understand the vagina properly is to realize that it is not only coextensive with the female brain, but is also, essentially, part of the female soul.” Don’t know if you have read The science of stress, orgasm, and creativity – Naomi Wolf on how brain and vagina conspire in consciousness, but your blog reminded me of the quote

  4. Andy

    Fascinating and totally frank and open blog entry. This blog and others like it (Mistress T’s) are truly captivating. So interesting. I need to learn to comment on a blog entry on this blog and not on twitter. Sorry Ceara xxxx

  5. Danielle

    It’s hilarious when dudes think it’s fake. I bet those guys are probably terrible in bed haha! Awesome post though. I feel better knowing chicks like you are out there and aren’t ashamed of our natural bodily functions.

  6. Cearaspet

    God damn u Ceara; I do follow you on twitter and I thought it was totally disgusting until reading this and now I can’t stop wanting it in my mouth

  7. Killa

    OMG Love those clips where you show off the by-product your delicious pussy makes. I have deep regard when it comes to cream of the twat. Would love for an up-date.

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