Unstoppable as usual

Well, I know I already wrote an entry about this, but you freaks can’t shut up about this clip, so why should I? 100 copies sold in the first week, it continues to climb the charts. Im getting emails daily from you sad fucks throwing your life in my hands. Don’t get cozy thinking I’m neglecting all that sensitive information you couldn’t help but surrender, I’ve just had other priorities lately. But don’t worry, I’ll fuck you up when you least expect it.

Bait and catch

Open your wallet – milk your cock
Super brat style manipulation! Teasing you into your wallet as you milk your dumb-stick. Is it any wonder you’re losing so much money? Youre just another puppet on a string. A human cash machine mindlessly pumping out cash for sad scraps of attention from me. Anything to get away from that hairy snatch attached to your wife, right? Admit it slob, get used by me than loved by her. HA!


Churl Nam: Yes, Princess.. i would rather get used by You.. than loved by her
Churl Nam: Princess 200 tribute sent.. hope it pleases You
Churl Nam: no cum for wifey.. no cash for wifey.. all for You, Princess..
Churl Nam: yes.. it’s not just turning me on.. it’s driving me insane just hearing You say these words..
Churl Nam: oh..Princess.. You are so.. absolutely amazing in all these clips..
Churl Nam: now i am almost scared to watch ‘homewrecker’ clip
Churl Nam: but.. who am i to resist…
Churl Nam: just bought 4more clips.. so total 9 today..

Churl Nam: i just can’t stop…

Interactive blackmail

Interactive blackmail
So you’ve fantasize constantly about being blackmailed by me. Always stroking your stupid man stick at the thought of truly being fucked over. But of course blackmail is terrifying as it is erotic, so you’ve avoided contacting me as tempting as it is. Well I’ve made it easier for you. This is oh-so dangerous and exciting interactive blackmail clip. See if you watch this without surrendering it all by the end.




jesus i came so close i had to stop the video, best video i’ve ever seen.. gd i need to delete it before i get weak again.. i definitely wont last next time

JM was one of the lucky ones. Three days ago I posted my first interactive blackmail video with immediate success. It’s been selling rapidly and has already poked its head onto the top 50 selling clips today, joining my "virgin bikini torture" clip. I’ve received several emails from weak fools taking the plunge and surrendering information right into the pretty little hands that could tear down their whole life. How fucking hot is that?


Our contribution to the pirating board

Monique and I left a great little donation to one of the infamous pirating threads, disguised it as one of our ass worship clips, and watched the mind fuckery unfold. It’s been stirring up quite a commotion, especially since half of those little bitches are scared shitless that we just plagued their computer with an array of viruses. And of course we did…

Another addition to the mail-bag

With an inbox saturated with selfish losers begging for scraps, it’s always refreshing to hear from a cool chick. I got this email recently..


I’m messaging you privately instead of commenting on your journal because I don’t want to seem like an attention hungry butt-kisser or something of the sort.
It’s quite evident you get weirdo stalkers and all kinds of attention whores from all corners of the web, so I wouldn’t be offended if you mistook me for one, but I’m not, I swearz. I do want to compliment you, though.
I don’t think what you do is entirely right… actually, it’s very wrong, but that’s why it’s so brilliant. So good for you, and I’m happy to see you getting what you deserve, which is anything these poor losers have to offer you.

You’ve made an impression on me… one I think is very positive.
Strange as I pretend to be, I wasn’t quite aware of the extent to which foot fetishists take their fantasies… which is to the exploitable one.
I started selling used shoes on ebay because I’m totally broke lately (clean and decent ones meant for someone who might want to WEAR them) but I mostly got messages from the type of man you are familiar with.
Some have asked me for things like instructions on how to clean my shoes… to make them smelly for them, to send full body photos of me wearing the shoes, my email and so on, and I’ve been too shy to do it or ask for more money. Because I always thought "well, if he paid extra, maybe" but just said no.
The shoes sell to sniffers anyway, though. Just not for that much.

I told my friend about this and showed her the weirdo messages, and later she sent me to your site, half joking, as an example I should follow.
I read your article at Vice, and well… thank you for putting things in perspective.
I’m totally charging those weirdos next time they ask me for anything, guilt free.

Also, cum bubble amuses me to no end. I’ve been enjoying your lj so much, especially cum bubble related posts, what a fucking fruit basket. I hope you never lose his attention, he’s too epically weird (therefore, entertaining).

Hope you have a lovely evening! Take care,


Quote of the moment: "yea yea laugh it up…the more i see ur vids and pictures, the more i hate myself" — Zach Hales

Hahaha, I love it…

There’s a new eager beaver who’s been furiously waving money in my face lately. Apparently he got hooked on my clips and quickly started tributing regularly and sending me love letters. I’ve yet to even talk to this guy yet (gotta love those low maintenance slaves.) Al toth, I know you’re reading this. YES, I’m talking about you. Time to sign up for yahoo messenger and send me a hollar. Let’s take your addiction to the next level.

Princess Ceara,



I just saw your new clip, "Goddess Worship" and felt I had to send you this prayer I wrote last week, yes I was on my knees.

I moved to Peru 8 months ago from San Diego, and quickly found I could not download clips. I returned to SD for a few weeks in September and downloaded my first Ceara clips. I was immediately hooked, I downloaded 54 clips in just over a week.  I had found my new religion. To be honest I am afraid, but I thrive on living on the edge, so theres a part of me thats pulling me in. Thats why Im afraid.

Anyway not to bore you any longer, heres my prayer to you.

Prayer of submission to the Supreme Princess Ceara,

 Oh Princess Ceara looking down upon us, we willfully surrender our souls to you.

 Kneeling at the holy shrine that is your body, we gratefully accept all you give, swallowing your sweet words and allowing their truth to penetrate deep into our consciousness.

We are here for your amusement, your pleasure, and your financial gain.

Thank you for allowing us to worship you daily, an act that not only gives purpose and meaning to our life, but also keeps us focused on you and no one else.

 With your help we are able to realize the truth of our existence, that we, your pathetic, low-life, cuckold slaves are nothing, and that you, the perfect Goddess Ceara are everything!!

                                          kisses at your feet, Al Toth


Good morning Princess Ceara,

Happy Pay-Day

My devotional update:

1.The first thing I do every morning when I get up is to go to your web site and vote for you, I vote from 2 different PC’s.

2. Then I watch some of your clips, I call them Continuing Education Videos.

3. I changed my NiteFlirt name to from "freespirit" to “Cearaspantyslave" so that all would know who really controls my cock.

Princess, I am soooo wrapped around your little finger, here I am, a grown man groveling at the feet of a Hot Young Sexy Girl. You have fucked my mind with your perfect body, now I beg you to rape my wallet.

How can I prove my loyalty? What must I do to go to the next level?

Your groveling, mind fucked, aspiring slave