vegas pictures!

Well the last day in vegas was awesome! Zumanity was was sexy and amazing, just like the 3 princesses watching. Afterward us girls got invited to this random hotel party that turned out to be inside the suite where they filmed the Real World for a season. Monique Lyne and I made some hilarious clips in the “confession boothe” on Lyne’s camera so hopefully she’ll be posting them soon. The rest of the time was spent gambling your loser’s money away until the wee early morning then getting a ride to the airport big pimpin’ style in a giant hummer driven by a sexy black hunkasaurus.

Lyne and Michelle (aka misssweetfeet) and I on the first day

Walking around the strip during the day

All dressed up for dinner and some ball bustin’

Lookin fine for the Zumanity show

Monique and I at an awful club

Inside the Real World set.


Monique, Lyne and myself are tearing up vegas once again. Here’s our weekend so far in a nutshell: day one, met up with Lyne and misssweetfeet Michelle went to a strip club and got like 5 million lap dances from a bunch of hookers for free.. but really they should have been paying me, dont you think? Imagine all the dudes who blew their wads in their pants watching me that night, hahaha! Its fun to be a girl at a strip club because you get away with so much more. i must have felt up a bagillion plastic boobies last night. Speaking of sweet fake tits, Lyne and I made some hot custom bikini videos for some loser named ken, which will be posted later this week. Monique came in the next day, we had dinner, gambled, and made more videos. Then we put on sexy dresses and headed toward the palms, where we randomly got ushered into some private playboy party for John Mayer. I had no idea who the fuck he was but I guess Lyne was pretty hot for him. I found out later he wrote that song your body is a wonder land. Big deal. I’ve done better.

Were up now and hung over. This is our final night. We’ll probably go shopping during the day and then check out the show Zumanity this evening. Erotic CIRQUE DU SOLEIL!! Yess!!

Anyway, ignore lines will be kept on if you want to call me up and listen in on the fun you’ll never have.

A pony for christmas!

This Christmas morning I got the gift every little girls dream about – a pony! I couldn’t be happier. Kowbux has been promising me this pony for like a million years and I was starting to figure he was all talk. But today he delivered and exceeded my expectations, not only did I get a pony, but a sexy pegasus unicorn piggy hybrid. Of course I captured it all on video to spread some christmas cheer with you lowly fucks. Enjoy!

part one:

part two:

Merry Chrismas!

Shopping spree

Spending slut Chris contacted me last night to max out his credit cards. I think I did a pretty fantastic job. I just love it when losers hand out all the credit card info to me, no questions asked, to do with as I please. He even called Nordstrom the next day, sober and clear headed, to ask why an order of $500 worth of jeans didn’t go through. Unfortunately I have to miss out on those because I spent so much. Oh well! There always next time. Chris you said something about using your mother’s cc next time? Hahaha! Im so game.

Here’s the damage:

For a grand total of $1741.75. Yeahh!! Merry Christmas to me!

piss diet

Remember Darren aka Mr. Whopper? The guy who stuck his face in shit while thinking of me? Well, since he’s basically a toilet and will do pretty much whatever I tell him, I put him on a liquid diet of pure piss for a few days and had him take videos of it as proof.

Oh yeah, and here he is showing me his Ceara shrine and, uh, humping the floor in my honor.

Hahaha, I hoped you watched all that. I get a lot of satisfaction out of knowing I just robbed you fools out of 6 minutes of your life. Suckers!

Putting the DENIAL back into tease and denial

Buy it through niteflirt!

New tease and denial clip posted! Hahaha you losers are so funny when youre completely clueless. I sent this video out to all my NF customers with this description:

“These are tough economics times! Even a Princess like me is resorting to showing off more of my body just to make ends meet. Pleease, PLLEEEASE buy this video!! I show off my ass, pussy and tits! All of it for you!! …YEAH RIGHT!”

Apparently some of you brain dead perverts couldn’t read pass the word “ass” or process the meaning of “denial.” I figured I’d trick a few morons into buying this video thinking I’d get naked, but better yet I managed to trick a retard into NOT buying it and sending me more! Hahaha!

Dear Princess Ceara,

i woke up this morning and checked my e-mail, then checked my Niteflirt mail. What i saw surprised me, to say the least. i even double-checked the name “princessceara” just to make sure it was really You. So i’ve decided that i cannot see You naked in any way, but have decided instead to send You a tribute, which will come after this email is sent. It’s not much, but it’s more than 7 bucks 🙂 . If You want, You can make me a different tease/denial video of You wearing lingerie and stockings (covering up privates). i’d like that very much 🙂 . Or if You prefer, my tribute can be for cam time. i will be off all weekend (today/tomorrow) if You would like to ignore me on cam. Once again, it’s not my place to see You naked. i hope this tribute helps out, as it’s the most i can afford to send right now.


Hey james… youre an idiot!

New foot fetish video posted on the Team Tease clips store. Short clip to whack your short dick. Only $5!

foot-worship101 has been getting drunk and buying me shoes whenever his wife is away. I made a video of me trying on all the shoes he had bought for to me one week. It was just before I had a hot date so I wanted to pick out some new shoes so I’d look smokin’ hot. I made him pay $100 for this video. But you aspiring shoe slaves can have it for $8. Ha!


It’s somewhat amusing to me that even in this financial crisis, my income stays steady and losers still are able to scrape together money for abuse and princess brownies. Haha! Speaking of, the auction ended recently. 25 brownies sold = $500. Not bad, but its only half. So if anyone else is still interested contact me, I will be shipping them out this week. I will probably relist the auction again in a month or so. Whats better that brownies made with precious spit, piss, and butt wipes? The same brownies old and stale! Maybe I can even make them a little moldy. Mmmm.

MAAAAATHEW! Where are you, fudge-packer? This little freak dropped $900 on me a few days ago, spilled all sorts of personal information, and sent me these pictures. Haven’t heard from him since. I just thought it would be fun to give his heart a little jolting. It would be a real shame if someone forwarded this journal entry to, say, your place of work. But who would have that kind of info? Oh yeah, ME! I kind of like the first picture – its sassy! The second one makes me want to throw up though. His dick looks like a shriveled up turtle fetus.

Another panty package arrived in the mail from the same thong obsessed admirer. I know I said this before, but I need to do a panty auction soon. My drawer is just about over stuffed with silky, lacy, frilly, cotton, sexy whatnots. Heres a picture for all you panty perverts who dream about raiding my drawers:

File this one in your wank bank!

Peace out fags. I leave you with my newest video.


Latest Team Tease Fuckover

The latest team tease fuck over. Monique, Lyne and myself got this cock sucker Johnnie together in a chat room together and went shopping on his credit card. Look at that total. Over $2K! Now thats more like it. In another news I got a little panty package from ebanned fanatic Michael. A big wad of thongs. Nice. My ass will be looking sweet for a good while. Not that it needs any help.