In one of my repetitive cycles of trying to ‘go clean.. no more clips etc etc’ i deleted all my clips. Then once again , i get sucked in and buy the same clips again,,, sometimes it’s for the 3rd time around. Even custom clips that i paid for and then purchased on C4S. It has me wondering then, ‘What is Ceara’s favorite computer button? Is it BUY NOW; TRIBUTE; or is it DELETE! ‘delete’ – knowing that it will be a repeat sale, for the same clip, a few months down the road. ? A new clip drains enough pathetic loser addicts; but old clips keep selling too; and not just to new perverts who just came crawling out from their rocks; it’s the old addicts who keep falling back into the inescapable abyss. like me -jb"
Apparently Im in a good mood. huh.
joemaiuri: so how did the clip turn out? did you really use the tampon?
Ceara Lynch: hell yeah I did, I made sure it was the longest part too
Ceara Lynch: lucky you Im actually on my period so it’s the real deal. no reddish bbq sauce. keep that in mind when you force yourself to watch it
Ceara Lynch: hahaha
joemaiuriso: aurrg! thats just nasty. not my total fanasy but you always win and get your way…see thats how it would be if you married me, you would always win and always have your way : ) i guess you would get bored with me pretty fast.
Ceara Lynch: probably
joemaiuriso: it might make a good clip. think?
Ceara Lynch: yeah, its different
joemaiuriso: if you want i will try to expand on it and if you think u could work with it i would pay again
Ceara Lynch: expand on what? you choked to death on my hair stupid
joemaiuriso: yeah thats right i forgot you killed me,
joemaiuriso: it could be the brother or son or friend, maybe marry him, use and abuse until you tire and kill the dumb bitch
Ceara Lynch: hahaha
joemaiuriso: hmmm, thinking of ways you could kill the next family memeber after i choked to death on the hair ball……shoot? stab? posion? castrate? leathal injection? any ideas???
Ceara Lynch: Lou Gehrigs disease?
joemaiuriso: sorry, how did he die? not sure what that disease is
Ceara Lynch: its a neurodegenerative disease
Ceara Lynch: basically you watch your body deteriorate as youre alive
Ceara Lynch: probably the worst way to go next to alzheimers
Ceara Lynch: of course, I dont know if its anything you can voluntarily give yourself, but that’s okay. "Realism" is not high on my priority list of goals regarding my clips.
joemaiuriso: hmmm, might work if some way you could give it me and watch and taunght as i die before you
Ceara Lynch: why dont you just kill yourself for real and I’ll make a clip of myself laughing at you as you jerk off from beyond the grave?
Ceara Lynch: Im sure satan will appreciate that, we go way back
joemaiuriso: naaa, not really a turn on. but i like the twisted way you think
Ceara Lynch: it wouldnt turn you on to be dead? weird.
SEE?! I don’t make this shit up. Im just giving the rejects of this world what they want. I don’t know what I did to deserve the foul reputation I have, but someday, long after Im dead, I will be appreciated not for my dominant nature or stunning looks, but my limitless generosity I have for the skeevy degenerates of this world. Just you wait.
I can’t stop laughing at this.
How to lose money and get yourself blocked in 3 easy steps:
1. Request cam
2. make me wait over 20 minutes for payment for said cam
3. buzz me after 45 seconds of not responding to you.
x_atomic_power Scream: free 4 a cam show ?
Ceara Lynch: sure
x_atomic_power Scream: how much per 20 min ?
Ceara Lynch: $100
x_atomic_power Scream: ur name on nf ?
x_atomic_power Scream: princessceara
x_atomic_power Scream: Your tribute in the amount of $100.00 has been successfully sent to princessceara.
x_atomic_power Scream: BUZZ!!!
Ceara Lynch: are you kidding me?
x_atomic_power Scream: what is up ?
Ceara Lynch: fuck you
x_atomic_power Scream: fuck me ?
x_atomic_power Scream is being ignored
Who needs mypc when you have Harry B?
First, I cleaned out what was left in his niteflirt account and deleting all the skanks on his favorites list.
Then I went into his email account, where I found a picture he took of himself, probably to toy with the idea of sending it to someone like me himself. Little did he know what little choice he’d have in that decision. Oh yeah, and I also found this really cheesy blackmail erotica he wrote about Mitsukai. (Girl if you want want a copy let me know. It’s hilarious.)
Here’s the picture. I might post the uncensored version for fun later. But for now just know that he’s really fucking ugly!
Oh yeah, and I found his phone number in there too.
To top it off, I had a little fun in his twitter account. Gave him a sexy new avatar and everything! Hahaha. This was my first experience using twitter btw, and I still think it sucks!
I changed his email password so he wasn’t able to sign back into YIM. After I was done going through his shit I sent him a “gotcha” text message. How much you want to bet he pissed his pants when he read that??
Total earnings: $600+. Be careful what you wish for.
"Perfect Goddess Princess, Ceara,
i could not hold back…. i apologize…. i bought 26 clips from Your store….
if You like to use this puny idiot, please may i beg to be exposed by You, pretty please?
i will gladly send You pics of myself, or You can watch me here: http://www.youtube.com/user/Heelladyjasmina#p/a/u/0/dwBgNt62zI0
Mistress T knows my lowly self, You may also ask her, if it is me in this clip.
i also sent pics to Mistress Monique, maybe You can ask Her if She remembers my ugly face.
pretty please, pretty, pretty please, please destroy me, please
humblest regards to Goddess,
thank You so much"
moneyslavenyla: please mistress i want more
moneyslavenyla: BUZZ!!!
Ceara Lynch: Don’t ever buzz me.
moneyslavenyla: ok sorry
moneyslavenyla: i am very sorry mistress
moneyslavenyla: i gived you $100
moneyslavenyla: please can you humiliate me ??
moneyslavenyla: please
moneyslavenyla: please
moneyslavenyla: you are a bitch
moneyslavenyla: fuck you
moneyslavenyla: go suck your father
moneyslavenyla: BUZZ!!!
moneyslavenyla: mother fuck her
moneyslavenyla: BUZZ!!!
Haha.. Awesome.
I’ve been doing absolutely nothing today, nursing a hangover, watching the money pour in. Good to be me.
mypc + blackmail =
With glowing hearts we see thee rise, the true north strong and free.
Drove home yesterday from a lovely trip to Canada. I had a great time, not the least of which was spent with this lovely woman:
Look familiar? Yeah well, she should. Domme exordinaire Mistress T showed me around her stomping grounds. It was pride week so half naked men were galavanting around the streets looking to get their fuck on. Somehow this chica fit right in:
Busty glam goddess Samantha: http://www.clips4sale.com/studio/36796
Vancouver is a wonderful city, with a similar hippy-liberal vibe that Portland has on steroids. Mistress T managed to spare 15 minutes for you boys, so enjoy the treat:
Apparently my little impostor is back at it again. Check out the entry above to see my little convo with this guy last year. Flat out denied anything and insisted their name was Ceara too.. uh, yeah. whatever you say princess. Have fun not fooling one of my best paying slaves by randomly asking him if he’s "into Financial Domination."
Anyway piss hounds, be warned, someone is preying on your inherent stupidity, and not in the sexy way that I do it.
princessceara: Hey…
princessceara: just wondering…are you into Financial Domination??? I’m wondering how you got on my friendlist which is why i’m asking…
Slave: hi princess, i was but i am not into it anymore
princessceara: Aww thats so sad…why’d you stop?
Slave: going broke was one reason
princessceara: lol thats what its kinda about…what was the other reasons?
Slave: i am not single so it was effecting my ordinary vanilla relationship
princessceara: OoOh I see….so your partner knows about it?
princessceara: Do you think you’ll ever get back into it?
princessceara: Now about last time…If you truly want to serve me then I expect 110% from you…I don’t want you dreaming about serving me..I want you to need me 24/7 and be around when ever I feel like dealing with you. So no running away when things get tough and scary…
princessceara: And just because you want to serve me doesn’t mean I’ll allow you to…
princessceara: I need to break you in and see if you’ll last and how serious you are.
Slave: i understand princess
princessceara: My yahoo disconnected for a sec….you didn’t have to sign off so quick like that…that was rude.
that was the last one
My one and only name on yahoo is "cearaspanties" and the display name appears as "Ceara Lynch."