trying out the c4s live feature. Pretty dead at the moment. Just a bunch of voyeurs coming in and out with nothing to say. Come make it interesting before I get bored and turn it off.
Catching up on clips
got it? good.
Forcing her to smell my ass
Nothing makes my girl slave’s nasty snatch soak like my hot body in this sexy body stocking. She is so hot for me it’s hilarious! I love to tease her and show her what she could never have. The dumb bitch’s face is so ugly I decide to sit on it so I dont have to look at it anymore. FORCING her to smell and suffocate under my perfect ass.

Gooey faced creep
Eat my loogies, loser. Nothing like the feel of my slimy spit running down your face. Beg me to get coated with it! I love treating you like trash.
your wife is a hag, your face makes me gag
I love my life! I am the hottest bitch in town: I get whatever I want, when I want it. Sad fucks like you are stuck with your hag wife while laugh all the way to the bank as you sneak you little paid wanks when she’s away. Face it, you’d rather buy this clip a thousand times over than to fuck that slob with a ten foot pole. All that money that was once spent buying her dinner and flowers are now right where it belongs: in my perfect hands.

So many of you have been nagging me about updates on all the countless sad saps who fell into my blackmail trap. The truth is, a lot of them are boring and took the smart route and just paid me off. Most I havn’t even started toying with yet as there’s waaay too many to tackle all at once. But here’s a prize for you all. Sometimes I like it more when an idiot like this doesnt comply with my rather reasonable demands. I mean really now, how easily could he have prevented me from turning his work place into awkward city? What was he thinking? Can’t wait for a reply.
hi, thanks for replying. i appreciate that you are making the erotism of the blackmail fantasy go up. however as i mentioned in my last mail, only my name and my boss’s particulars are real. At the most, i would risk a very awkward situation with my lady boss i bought your clip and i do not want to risk losing my job because of that. maybe i buy another clip from you and we call it quits? i admit i am scared and you have scared me. As you said, you fucked me. i lose and you win. sincerely,timAnother clip? are you high? Why the fuck would I "call it quits" because you bought another fucking clip? When you buy a clip, you get that clip in return, not a get out of blackmail l free card.No, I very much look forward to creating an awkward situation for you at work, and I suggest if you want to avoid that, you make it worth my while. day)You have one more hour 🙂you cant be serious? i told my boss that my computer and mail account was hacked and my personal info was stolen. She will not believe whatever you might send.
c4s #1
Is it just me, or are subs getting more useless everyday?
fatbastard25: hi ceara, your clips was earlier amazing, but now they are just ass wiggle and boobs show
Ceara Lynch: mmkay.
fatbastard25: i think it`s not financial domination
Ceara Lynch: thats nice
fatbastard25: i don`t think you are serious domme at all
Ceara Lynch: alrighty then
Ceara Lynch: thanks for sharing
fatbastard25: can i get some webcam time if i give you my personal info
fatbastard25: like facebook account….
Ceara Lynch: no
Ceara Lynch: you have to actually pay for cam time
fatbastard25: can i give some free preview
Ceara Lynch: no
Ceara Lynch: you have to actually pay for cam time
fatbastard25: what if i pay 20$ what i get
Ceara Lynch: nothing
Ceara Lynch: $50 minimum for 10 minutes
fatbastard25: pretty expensive
Ceara Lynch: yep
fatbastard25: if you are real domme i think you have lot of money
Ceara Lynch: youre right, I do
fatbastard25: so you can give me cheaper domination
Ceara Lynch: Believe it or not I dont make tons of money by giving out free previews and discounts.
fatbastard25: you are just a kid
Ceara Lynch: I am?
fatbastard25: Yeah, I think you are.
Ceara Lynch: Then why are you talking to me? Are you a pedophile?
fatbastard25: …no
Ceara Lynch: Well I suggest you go find a real domme. You obviously have very high standards and wouldnt even dream of wasting your time with a kid
fatbastard25: or maybe i tease you
Ceara Lynch: uhh….
fatbastard25: little girl in bad play
Ceara Lynch: Riiiight, have fun with that one.
Blast from the past
So as many of you remember, back in the day a Vegas reject was accusing Lyne, Monique and myself as having some kind of porn production company behind our lucrative business. Because obviously the idea of 3 beautiful women making lots of money without a man behind it all was just too unfathomable for him to comprehend. It made for an interesting thread. Apparently
Not sure if u hear anything or not. But I don’t think u work for an agency or some shit like that. Yes like three years ago I said something, trust me what u do is ur business and I don’t concern myself with it AT ALL. Ur doing ur thing and who the fuck am I. I met a girl who real time who talks and talks and asked a bunch of questions spent the day with her. Not sure where this is coming from, if she’s jealous or trying to start drama. She seems like ur friend anyway this may not make sence. If u have a anon way I can tribute like greendot or niteflirt I’m down, I feel like a dick and a half
C’mon Michelle, why do you have to be so jealous of this guy that you’d have to talk smack about him like that?? Hahahaha. That has to be my newest pet peeve these days. Someone does something you dont like? THEY ARE JEALOUS. That time your mom grounded you for 2 weeks? She was jealous. That time you got that traffic ticket after running a red? Cop was jealous. No matter how lacking in its logic, you can always point at jealousy as the reason for anything.
Anyway, I just thought I’d share. I told him I really didn’t give a fuck but obviously I believe Michelle over him any day. You can’t fight stupidity, people. Guys with boners will pay even the most blatantly fake girls and guys with boners accuse those with the most solid reputations as being fake. Oh well. Either way my pockets smell like money.
Pay my tuition bitches!
Flirting with the top.
Yes, you’re reading that right. Just when I think the unruly power of my interactive blackmail clip starts to simmer, it jumps the charts. Just one position away from taking the gold. My question is, what the fuck isn’t it there already? The emails continue to pour in, the obnoxious redundant compliments are never ending. I order all you little stalling, broke-ass pussies to gather up your pennies and BUY THIS CLIP. Fuck, buy it several times. Let’s make some history and take it to #1.
"That was by far the best clip I’ve ever seen, and I’ve watched hundreds."
"I downloaded and watched Interactive Blackmail a couple of times, and it continues to poison my mind and tempt me to do stupid things."
"If I ordered a custom clip it would have been this."
"Princess- I know the next time i watch the blackmail video I’m totally done. Please keep your eyes open for my email. You’re so dangerous."
"jesus i came so close i had to stop the video, best video i’ve ever seen.. gd i need to delete it before i get weak again.. i definitely wont last next time"
"Just saw Your blackmail video. Life isn’t going to be the same again. It’s not fair, we are just human beings. We are not strong enough to handle God’s manipulation."
"i watched Your blackmale video, if i had followed Your directions, there is no way, i would have been able to resist. i am thinking about getting wasted and watching it again."
"i cant stop buying your clips, its amazing. i bought the blackmail one twice, its so good"
"Oh my God Princess Ceara!! I just bought Your interactive blackmail clip and I am having a very hard time here I am afraid to watch it again."
"Princess, I have bought 5 of your clip in the past few days. I think i have a problem. im moving closer than ever to pushing the blackmail button."
"hi MIstress. i bought your blackmail video. You are amazing and the best on that site. Can I please do a phone session with you. I am ready to give it all to you . "
"interact blackmAil, i can t stop watch it over annd over, i suddenly can t resis too long to send the famous email"
"Princess, I bought Your blackmail video and it is incredibly dangerous. I have my email all filled out and I’m afraid when I get drunk I’ll send it. How far will You take this information?"
"I watch over and over Interact BM i know why is so polpular! i dream to live a similar session alive, do you think it s possible someday"
"i cant watch it again. i’ll end up pressing the damn send button. cant afford to do that"
Feelin stabby.
I remember when I first started playing Domme on the internet and what joys of degradation I found in the little things: making a sub wear panties, do an a2m with a dildo, piss in a cup and drink it… you know, child’s play. It’s no question that after a while it all becomes yawn worthy. The only thrill comes from getting paid for it, which of course never gets old.
But it never ceases to amaze me the subs that approach with nothing to offer but their mediocre depravity. You want to fucking impress me assholes? Let’s get hardcore. Let’s get fucking violent with this shit. One of my favorite subs to talk to (who is sadly disappeared a while ago) would only want to have the most bloody, graphic, nightmare of a conversation with me. He was the inspiration for my oh-so popular "I want to fuck you up," clip. What I especially loved about this guy is we would talk about the most horrific ideas like we were talking about the weather. No creepy heavy breathing jack-off voice. No absence of basic logic because his dick was hard. Just a nice, leisurely hour or two long chat about the many ways I could castrate him, fuck his ass with serrated dildo, and cut him up into pieces and then sew him back together in different places. I felt more comfortable talking about this with him then I do making small talk to most people. I wish I had those conversations recorded because they were just too bizarre and wonderful to be true sometimes.
I was actually pretty shocked to see how well that clip ended up selling.. Why don’t these mega pain junkies contact me more often? There is a darkness in me that doesnt get tapped into often enough. Let’s talk rib crushing, bitches. I want to destroy some motherfucking flesh.
Not feelin it today….
northoftheborder1982: hello
Ceara Lynch: hi
northoftheborder1982: that new team tease clip is amazing
Ceara Lynch: yep
Ceara Lynch: just like the rest of them
northoftheborder1982: yeh, but your knee high boots over tight jeans, that’s a total killer
Ceara Lynch: yep
northoftheborder1982: you should always wear that
Ceara Lynch: no
Ceara Lynch: that would be leotarded
northoftheborder1982: it would be a tease! it looks incredible
Ceara Lynch: everything i wear looks incredible on me
Ceara Lynch: wearing the same thing every day would make me look stupid and poor
northoftheborder1982: true, true, but boots especially – all three pairs i’ve seen you wear look amazing
Ceara Lynch: yeah, because i am amazing
Ceara Lynch: whats your point?
northoftheborder1982: just that you’re even more amazing in knee-high boots!
Ceara Lynch: nope
Ceara Lynch: i look equally amazing in everything i wear
Ceara Lynch: what your saying is "i have a boner for boots"
Ceara Lynch: and i dont give a shit
northoftheborder1982: i have a boner for your boots
Ceara Lynch: whoop dee god damn doo
northoftheborder1982: especially the black ones
Ceara Lynch: again, dont care