What up sluts?

Full time school. Extra bills to pay off. Clips clips clips…. This is my life lately. Extra ordinary stress. Ok so school and making clips isnt a tremendous source of that stress but if I were to really talk about the recent burdens in my life that’d be entering an assumption that you internet weirdos are worthy of that kind of information. Which youre not. So just mail me a bunch of unmarked bills at my earliest desire (now). No questions asked mmkay? 

On a lighter note, amateurfootworld.com has recently been linking to a few of my clips on their main page and it has sent a tremendous amount of traffic my way. I was assuming I was getting all these hits through Lyne and Mo since they’re always rocking the top 50 these days. But I checked my stats lately and the website is actually providing twice as many unique hits than both domme-pals put together. Hell yeah!

In other news, I had dumb china man call me last night. You know what I fucking love? Like, really really love? Is when losers call me and instantly go out of there way humiliate themselves for me. Like theyre competing for Americas Top Idiot or something. So many retards call and challenge me into breaking them down to the single celled submissive that they are under all those layers of false setto.  Whatever. I can do it. I just prefer not to. Why bake a cake when you can, uh, have someone bring you one? (yes thats the best analogy I care to come up with at the moment). Anyway, I digress, dumb china man called! Spanking his ass and spouting out prime phrases of degradation in between each slap; "Im a dumb chink" "me sucky white cock" "Im a fag" and so forth… Sucking on a big dildo, going ass2mouth and all that. This was all on my ignore line BTW. hahaha!! I love it…

Also… twitter is fucking dumb. I wish you guys would stop it.


Goto my clips4sale page to buy them there or click the buttons below to buy through niteflirt.

Death by ASS-phyxiation
Bitch-face gets the experience of a life time as my human seat cushion. Watch him struggle to gasp for air as he moans in panic and ecstasy. I just love forcing this idiot to smell my ass, burying his nose right up next to my chocolate star fish. Dumb fuck!

High on BBC
Monique and i are hungry for some grade-A dark meat! Aww yeah that’s right, we love the brothas and we arent afraid to show it! We thought it would be fun to rub it right in bitch-faces stupid white face, you know, just to add another inadequacy to his long list. Monique blasts rap music in bitch faces ears and he almost cries in confusion. As if it isnt clear enough, we have visuals – big black thick pleasure giving dildo compares to flimsy flaccid useless whitey.

Pimptress Ceara
So Im getting ready to go out to this rockin’ party and I want to have a fun new look. You know, something fun… But I dont want to go through the hassle of trying on a million different types of make up only to wash it off and reapply – that’s why I have my little bitchface slave to be my model! I cake on all different shades of eye shadow and lipstick. I’m having so much fun making him up I forget about getting ready and totally make him over. Putting him in a long blonde wig and writing "fag" on his forehead — he looks pretty enough for craigslist!

Lick these heels clean – I have a date tonight!
Hot date night and bitchface is at his usual place, on his knees licking my heels clean. He will do anything to make himself useful! Of course I can’t help but tease him with my body a little, giving him a peak at what he could never have. Haha what a shmuck! He sucks on the heels just like a fag and then I take them off and make him take deep breath in, smelling my sweaty feet inside. Of course I act like my usual bratty self, laughing and mocking him along the way. It’s good to be top bitch!

Blackmail and other stupid sub ideas

I have a pretty long list of pet peeves. My patience is short and people annoy me easily. I mean that in general but especially when it comes to you dick heads in sub space la la land. That’s why I’m so great at being a mega bitch extraordinaire. Not that any of you will ever learn, but this conversation is a great example of one of my biggest eye rolling, computer smashing, annoyances:

schiavo2976: ..there was a video with both you and monique in leather or shiny trousers, somewhere, if you want i must buy that one, so i can face that i am prisoner of both of you, facing this.
Ceara Lynch: buy videos on your own time
Ceara Lynch: this is my time
schiavo2976: ,,,ok….
schiavo2976: they are in download
Ceara Lynch: good
Ceara Lynch: now go check your mail on niteflirt
schiavo2976: 60????
Ceara Lynch: YES 60
Ceara Lynch: you act like its your life savings
schiavo2976: but i just spent the money for these 2 clips, miss ceara
Ceara Lynch: uh. yeah
Ceara Lynch: and in return
Ceara Lynch: you got 2 clips
Ceara Lynch: whats your fucking point?
schiavo2976: here i got nothing in return
Ceara Lynch: EXACTLY

First of all, lol @ "leather or shiny trousers." but that’s beside the point. Here’s a news flash: buying clips or pictures is not a form of payment for anything else. Seriously WTF? Why do I even need to explain this? I dont walk into Nordstroms, grab a head band and then try to explain to security when I walk out the door how Im entitled to it because I bought a dress last week. Or ever better, intend to buy one in the future.

I should note though, that the conversation above is from cock sucker Simone who I wrote about in my last entry, who eventually did pay $100 for me to take that entry down. Blackmail can be very powerful! Even when its pretend… Let the record show that he didnt even bother checking to see if I took it down before he signed off. Hahaha, I guess it really bothered him huh?

Of course blackmail for the most part, is a fucking joke. It’s a farce. Any girl who’s ever played domme on the internet knows that within the first 5 minutes. 9 times out of 10 the information thats given to you is fake. Which really isnt that big of a deal in it of itself as far as im concerned. Not every sub is prepared to step to the brink of suicide motivated by the fear of exposure (Also see: Paco). As long as the moron isnt acting as though the backmail material will truly put him into an optionless, compromising position and therfor an initial tribute is unnecessary because if I just *seduce* the information out of him I will have his bank account and life by the balls.. Uh huh, right. If youre going to play games at least play by the rules or else find a new means of trying to manipulate me because your tactics are tired and sad.

With that said, I’d like to crown Dave this week’s titty-top time waster! Hitting two of my biggest pet peeves and an extra shit-brownie point for admitting exactly what i sniffed out of him from the beginning.

Dave: Hot videos
Ceara Lynch: i know
Dave: would be into being blackmailed to buy them and then keep my cock hard on webcam while watching them but not aloud to cum
Ceara Lynch: first of all, i require an initial tribute to start blackmail
Ceara Lynch: second of all, if i had you blackmailed, i wouldnt get you to buy clips
Ceara Lynch: when you buy a clip, you get that clip in return.. its an even exchange. you dont get extra attention for it.
Dave: hmm well this is the kind of stuff I am into so if your not then not much I can do
Ceara Lynch: no, im not into wasting my time
Dave: I would pay you extra of course
Ceara Lynch: ok well thats different
Ceara Lynch: do you have niteflirt?
Dave: yes
Ceara Lynch: great
Ceara Lynch: send an initial tribute to princessceara
Dave: how will you blackmail me?
Ceara Lynch: by getting incriminating information and pictures
Dave: how?
Ceara Lynch: by you giving it to me.. you said this was your thing
Dave: thats to easy
Ceara Lynch: why would i tell you my strategy before you even pay?
Ceara Lynch: youre probably just jacking off to the thought of this
Ceara Lynch: send an initial tribute to get started
Ceara Lynch: im not wasting anymore time with you
Dave: how much do you want to start?
Ceara Lynch: $100
Dave: you are smart I am jacking off just thinking about it


Thrilling events to come….

School has started again and I’m digging my classes so far. I have a full 17 credit schedule but amazingly enough 2 out of my 5 classes have zero homework. Nice. And no, I dont have any work trivial enough to pass along to you homework slaves this quarter, so stop asking. Go make yourself useful and buy me a present.

April is going to be an exciting months for all you Ceara junkies. Ive got plans to totally re-amp my website, It’s coming up on it’s 3rd birthday and I was realizing I really haven’t done a new layout since I made it. Of course anyone who’s seen it could understand why – It’s fucking phenomenal as it is. Everytime I think about redoing it, I check it out and then give myself a pat on the back for doing it right the first time. BUT!! New ideas have been flirting in my mind lately and I’ve decided to change it up and put in some additions. So be good and wait eagerly for that.

Monique and our is coming over to my place tomorrow afternoon for yet another session. God I love abusing this fuck and taking his money. Any retards vicariously living through this slave is free to pitch some video ideas in my comments. If they’re good enough we might do them.

Imposter alert

This is really weird. A "princessceara" signed onto my yahoo list this morning. I dont recall ever getting an add request from this name, and I never add anyone myself. Although I’m guessing it is possible I added the name to look out for an imposter. Hm, I dont know. This is just a warning to anyone stupid and gullible enough to give him/her money. And I know theres a lot of you idiots out there.

My one and only name on yahoo is "cearaspanties" and the display name appears as "Ceara Lynch."

Ceara Lynch: who is this?
princessceara: who is this
Ceara Lynch: Dont answer a question with another question. i asked you first
princessceara: why is it so important?
princessceara: and I dont care if you asked 1st
Ceara Lynch: because youre using my name
princessceara: your name???? LMAO…that is the dumbest shit i’ve ever heard…do you know how many people are named ceara? Get over yourself
princessceara: and get a life
Ceara Lynch: I dont know a single person named Ceara but myself
Ceara Lynch: especially not one who is a princess
princessceara: well now you know another
princessceara: my name is ceara
princessceara: LOL
princessceara: your a princess….of what country???
princessceara: lol
Ceara Lynch: this is not a coincidence
princessceara: ……..
Ceara Lynch: youre making fun of the fact i consider myself a princess when its in "your" screen name as well?
princessceara: your making a big deal out of nothing
princessceara: you act like you owned the name ceara and the word princess
Ceara Lynch: i do
princessceara: lol
princessceara: no you DONT
Ceara Lynch: yeah actually I do. and I dont believe you dont know who I am.
princessceara: NO YOU DONT
princessceara has signed out.

The intruction of Jesus Christ.

koveroari: i´m just curious to that financial domination thing…
Ceara Lynch: a curious loser with no way of paying me is a waste of time
Ceara Lynch: fuck off until you have a way to pay
koveroari: so all what you care is money
Ceara Lynch: no, but if you don’t have any I don’t care to talk to you
Ceara Lynch: I’m not running a loser charity
koveroari: do you care talk about Jesus Christ
koveroari: have you ever think about Jesus
and his intruction
koveroari: you are not religious
Ceara Lynch: you’re right, pay me let’s talk about it.

pet peeves

dumb questions
"are your lines on"
"will you humiliate me"
"who are you"

buying videos as a "tribute"
being compared to my friends
answering a question with another question
losers with nothing to offer but compliments
chit-chat "friends"


School is out and the boyfriend and I just hopped a plane to sunny California! Were chillin’ at a coffee shop and I decided to snap these sassy faces for you peons on iphoto. Don’t you wish you were the pimply virgin who I ordered my coffee from?? Then you could brag to all your lowly friends how you served Princess Ceara IN PERSON!! Hahaha! A dumpsterface like you could only dream. Anyway, I’ve already spent far too many minutes of my precious vacation time on here. Keep making those crispy greens, I’ll be around to extract it from your worthless lives later.

New videos

Monique and I have been racking in the paper tonight! Makin’ it rain n shit. HAHA! Were about to go out and you probably missed out on the fun, so make yourself useful and buy out these new clips:

Goto my clips4sale page to buy them there or click the buttons below to buy through niteflirt.

Human ashtray
Bitchface reaches a new all time low as my human ashtray, flicking ashes in his mouth, blowing smoke in his face and verbally degrading him the whole time. What a piece of trash! And the saddest part of all, you losers buying this would do anything to be in his place! HA!

Ass worship in tight black pants
Looking up at me in tight black pants. I force you to worship me ass, using your face as a seat cushion. Pucker up boy cuz you have to kiss it first! Haha, loser. You wish you could have this ass but instead you have to do everything at my command. Touch when I say, sniff when I day, worship when I say. Everything is at my command!

Spit face blackmail fun
Hey there spittoon! You are so fucking disgusting! Im going to spit all over your ugly face, because not only do you deserve it, you LIVE FOR IT! I cover your face with my sloppy, gooey saliva. Then when youre at your most vulnerable, I grab my camera and take a picture! Before you know what hits you, Im laughing in your face and you come to the realization i have a picture of you with your face covered in cum-like goo! HAHA!! I can post this online for the world to see, telling everyone i used you as my slut! Letting guys use your holes and then blowing their wad all over you. HAHAHA!! YOURE SO FUCKED!