larry_anderson113: how does your feet smell princess
Ceara Lynch: pay me and i’ll tell you
larry_anderson113: how much i have to pay princess
Ceara Lynch: $50
larry_anderson113: what would you do then princess
Ceara Lynch: I would answer your question dipshit
larry_anderson113: what then
larry_anderson113: the 50$ is not just for answering that question definately
Ceara Lynch: yeah it is
Ceara Lynch: you asked me a question, i told you to pay me for the answer
Ceara Lynch: you asked how much, i told you $50
Ceara Lynch: get it?
larry_anderson113: are you serious? you want 50 to just answer a very simple question?
Ceara Lynch: yep
larry_anderson113: 50 cent?
Ceara Lynch: no
Ceara Lynch: "$" means dollars
larry_anderson113: lol
Ceara Lynch: unless there’s a decimal point before the "5," then "$50" means fifty dollars
larry_anderson113: You have such a great sense of humor
Ceara Lynch: i’m just trying to help you understand these very simple concepts since you seem to be struggling with this conversation.
Ceara Lynch: so youre welcome
larry_anderson113: i am not struggling. i just couldnt belive you want to charge 50$ for a couple of words
larry_anderson113: the answer to that question is a couple of words probably
larry_anderson113: right?
Ceara Lynch: yeah probably
larry_anderson113: so if it is 5 words
larry_anderson113: 10$ per word
Ceara Lynch: nothing gets past you
larry_anderson113: meaning?
Ceara Lynch: ha, I stand corrected.
blah blah blah
shtr7658: Hi
Ceara Lynch: hi
shtr7658: What r u doing tonight
Ceara Lynch: lighting babies on fire
shtr7658: Shit me too
Ceara Lynch: uh huh…
shtr7658: Ya
shtr7658: U
Ceara Lynch: yes?
shtr7658: Why r u so rarely on nf
Ceara Lynch: so that losers like you can complain about it
shtr7658: Well I’m sure that’s working well then
Ceara Lynch: yep
shtr7658: In not a loser though
Ceara Lynch: could of fooled me
shtr7658: How’s that
Ceara Lynch: pay and and i’ll let you know
shtr7658: Lol
Ji.: slut!
Ceara Lynch: ouch.
Ji.: oshi
Ceara Lynch: yeah totally
Ji.: yo your cool
Ji.: shit my grammar sucks
Ji.: you’re
Ceara Lynch: thx
Ji.: feels good man
Ji.: so in a day how many guys try to get free talk about their tiny dicks to you
Ji.: hahahaaaaaaa
Ceara Lynch: i wouldnt know
Ji.: now what kind of answer is that
Ceara Lynch: an accurate one
Ji.: Aight dawg im gonna get my bong pce nukkah
Ji.: haaaaaaa
fatbastard25: webcam session?
Ceara Lynch: no
fatbastard25: why?
Ceara Lynch: does it matter?
fatbastard25: i love yto humiliate myself for you
Ceara Lynch: good for you
fatbastard25: so will you humiliate me?
fatbastard25: how much it cost
Ceara Lynch: I said no
fatbastard25: pleeease 🙁
Ceara Lynch: if you pay twice as much, fine
fatbastard25: why i must pay twice
Ceara Lynch: because I said so
fatbastard25: i´m really horny and need you perfectiom
Ceara Lynch: i really dont care
fatbastard25: why you are so mean to me
Ceara Lynch: because youre being obnoxious
fatbastard25: i beg you ceara
Ceara Lynch: I dont care
Ceara Lynch: fuck off
fatbastard25: maybe i go pay you friend monique
Ceara Lynch: that would be great, please do
fatbastard25: she get money and you don`t
Ceara Lynch: awesome, she deserves it.
fatbastard25: she is more hot that you anyway
Ceara Lynch: why didnt you talk to her in the first place then?
fatbastard25: because i want to you get change
Ceara Lynch: good luck with that
fatbastard25: and she is offline
Ceara Lynch: sucks to be you then, huh?
fatbastard25: can`t you get me webcam sessions, please i do anything you want
Ceara Lynch: anything?
fatbastard25: yes 🙂
Ceara Lynch: i really really want you to fuck off right now
fatbastard25: why you are bitch like that
fatbastard25: i jsut want fun for you
Ceara Lynch: Im not doing cam right now. end of story. go away.
fatbastard25: then i buy you clips and masturbate hahaha
Ceara Lynch: oh snap, that’ll show me.
forgiving my website
schiavo2976: i’m looking at your clips
Ceara Lynch: so?
schiavo2976: i thought that would be good giving you the notice
Ceara Lynch: why?
schiavo2976: to show, to let you know where i am
Ceara Lynch: uh
Ceara Lynch: i really dont give a shit
schiavo2976: i would like to forgive the site..
Ceara Lynch: meaning?
schiavo2976: that i would like to be strong to forgive the existance of the site
Ceara Lynch: my website isnt apologizing
schiavo2976: i mean that if i could forgive his existance..i would be free from it
Ceara Lynch: his existence? who?
schiavo2976: if i could forgive the existance of your site
Ceara Lynch: my website doesnt have a gender, and if it did it would be female
schiavo2976: sorry, not my first language. its existance.
Ceara Lynch: okay well good luck with that
schiavo2976: i need so much strenght to forgive it..
Ceara Lynch: mmkay
schiavo2976: ,…you with your feet straight in my face..i suffer of this.
Ceara Lynch: well thats great
Ceara Lynch: can you fuck off now?
schiavo2976: ok, mistress. excuse your prisoner.
New clips
Another clip hits the top 50. It’s funny how easily I pull top clips out of my ass with little to no effort. I havn’t even been trying so far this year, much too busy with other things in my life. Never to less, the money keeps pouring in and the power keeps growing.
Gotta love this clip. Nothing quite like recording the live the message I left for poor Jacob’s wife and then selling it to the masses for pennies. I was kind enough to keep our little "arrangement" private up until this point. He was pretty good about making his weekly payments, but much like most subs out there, he tried to disappear and prayed I wouldn’t notice. Uh, riiiight. Don’t play blackmail if you want any ounce of control in terms of when you run away. I called him on it and he gave me typical bullshit loser excuse #826590. Here’s hot a tip for all you blackmail buttfuckers out there: dont lie to me, I’ve heard it all and doing so just insults my intelligence. Anyway, I won’t say anymore lest I spoil this classic clip.
New team tease clips found here:
hereDont say I never gave you nothin.
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Hehe I ruined his day.
The latest..

Bubble yumm
New clips
My studio hasn’t been as actively updated lately for number of reasons. Namely, another school quarter is upon me again and my focus has been there. My head buried in books and my fingers typing away research proposals and diligent note taking. Since I bring this up, a reminder to all you eager-to-please dimwits: NO, I do not take homework slaves. That’s just a weird manipulative way of passing along the power to control my GPA. Not going to happen.
My squeal to die for me has been slowly climbing the charts. No surprise there, I guess, but what I was really hoping was to see my new "red light green light" clip up there. It’s such a fresh new idea I can’t believe no one else ever thought of it. Oh well, it’s selling like crazy non the less.
In other news, the gossip rag hogspy just posted my beat it clip. I guess that’s cool. Hogspy is kinda like womenrule’s blog only it doesn’t suck.