Wow, what a week. As many of you have been following on twitter (@cearalynch) I just got home from spending 4 nights in Vegas for AEE/AVN. This is my 6th (7th?) year in a row now attending this event and this year is definitely one to remember. It hardly seems that long ago when I was but a wee young sadist inviting Monique and Lyne to fly out with me with the intention of bringing like-minded bitches together. I had just started my website, recently met Monique, and was about to meet Lyne for the first time. I'll never forget the drama that it caused online as one attention seeking "sub" accused the three of us of working under some production company. After all, how on earth could 3 helpless, wee-brained females be doing all this one their own? And why else would they be going to a big bad porno convention? Thanks to that guy my humiliatrix career was kicked off with some great publicity and all eyes have been on us ever since.
Four years later and the amount of dommes attending this event has exploded. I never expected to see so many attending a very vanilla/mainstream event. This is thanks mostly, of course, to kinbomb for hosting several dinners, VIP tables and solidifying their relationship with some high quality studio members. This company is awesome, and if I haven't stressed this enough, I prefer my clips bought there than anywhere else.
And now, without further adieu, my ridiculous week;
Day one: I arrived at the Hard Rock early wednesday evening. Mistress T and our film slave Jay (aka @slave2vegas) were already in the room. Mistress T was taking a relaxing bath as slave Jay rubbed her feet. What an introduction, eh? This was just the beginning of this loser's eventful weekend. He rushed to the door to help me with my bags and introduce himself. We had been corresponding up until this point via email and niteflirt, arranging plans and picking out outfits for him to buy me off my wishlist. The bitch was soft spoken, nervous, but extremely polite and eager to serve. Mistress T put on some relaxing clothes as slave Jay fixed us up an adult beverage that sported a color never before seen in nature (he had bought us a bottle of hpnotiq.) We lounged and chatted casually as slave Jay continued to rub T's petite size 4 feet, discussing what we had planned for the rest of the week. We later had dinner and drinks. I had met up with a friend and spent most of the night in heels, which, believe it or not, is not common practice for me. By the end of the night my feet were aching and I was feeling generous enough to allow slave Jay to give me a surprisingly well executed and much needed foot rub. He perved out on my high arches and long toes like the foot boy he is until I grew tire of him and he was then kicked out of the room so us ladies could get some much needed rest.

Day two: The next day slave Jay was ordered to arrive at our room at 9:30 sharp with breakfast and coffee. Rene would be coming by at 10am to shoot so we wanted to be ready and well caffeinated by the time she got there. The idiot made the terrible mistake of arriving a half hour late, even after Rene had already got there. Im also the type of person who simply can't function the rest of the day without breakfast or coffee so needless to say I was extremely anxious and irritable. Thank god Mistress T dished out the punishment because if it were me, he'd be headless. When he finally arrived, Mistress T immediately told him to put down our breakfast and take of his pants and underwear. She walked him over to the bathroom, making him to show Rene his wiener on the way. Rene glanced up from her phone and yelled "EW!" as he was brought into the bathroom and forced to sit on his bare knees on the hard tile as we ate his breakfast in the next room. We left him nothing but a tiny bite which he ate on his hands and knees like a dog. His punishment continued as he was told to remain there as Rene and I kicked off our shoot with a 6 minute make out video in the next room. Needless to say, he learned his lesson. He was allowed to come out only when we were ready to use him; busting out some clips involving knee high sock sniffing, forced bi dildo sucking, and full weight face sitting. Lucky bitch.

Afterward we headed straight to the expo, where we spent most of the day promoting kinkbomb and mingling with industry people. After several hours of that, I headed back to the room to film Selena with slave Jay for team tease. We shot clips involving foot & shoe worship, cuckolding, sph, and face sitting. After I was done with Jay I sent him off to take T out to dinner and filmed a few more solo clips with Selena. After they left she began asking me questions about Jay, she was confused, thinking at first he was T's boyfriend after hearing her talk about him licking her pussy and having the "final say" in what he's allowed to do on film. She laughed as I told her he was the real deal and all he's done so far to live the dream.
Later that night we went out to the Sugar Factory for the first kinkbomb hosted dinner. If I didnt know any better, I'd say KB was channeling the feeder/feedee fetish as the plates just kept on coming. I got to meet for the first time Domina Snow, Mistress B, & Cam Girl Kitten, and was reunited with Sarah Blake, Miss Sweet Feet, and of course Rene.
After the food everyone was handed a pink kinkbomb riding crop and we headed straight to the Gallery nightclub where we met up with Lyne and Goddess Destruction. Our VIP table was well equipped with bottle service and debauchery. Energy was high as all the girls were liquored up and filled with adrenaline, excited to finally be in one room together. Every girl's camera was flashing with various combinations of ladies wanting their pictures taken together. Slave Jay got his public worship session on as we all took advantage of the bitch willing and ready to do as he was told for the camera. He was getting a little tipsy so we made sure he drank nothing but water for the last couple hours so he'd be in good condition to get fucked over on film the next day. The night ended rather appropriately around 2:30am when T and I grabbed out bitch and headed back to our rooms and got some much needed sleep.

Day three: The next day twitter was buzzing with all pictures taken from the night before. Some girls had a much longer night that we did and while I always have a hard time sleeping in vegas, I was thankful for the time I got. As my schedule got rearranged, it freed up my afternoon to shoot with Mistress T and slave Jay. He arrived that morning with coffee and breakfast, right on time (of course.) We shot some great clips involving the ever-popular incest theme, lift and carry, and a boot worship clip I'm particularly excited about. I brought my thigh high black latex boots which I was a little hesitant to pack at first, simply because of the space they take up, but I knew it'd be well worth it. Wearing those, red bikini bottoms, a leopard corset purchased by slave Jay and my heart shape riding crop, I created a clip that will quite simply stop hearts across the nation. Be ready for it.

Later that night slave Jay had the immense honor of taking us out to the Vegas show Absinthe. It was fantastic and I highly recommend it. Very similar to Zumanity which I've seen twice now; circus acts, raunchy comedy, music and lots of audience interaction. Afterward we headed over to the Rockhouse to check out the kinkbomb hosted beer pong tournament. I chatted briefly with a blast from my past, Kimberly Kane (porno girl turned clip store owner.) until I was called up to play on a team with Rene against a couple of guys. We thankfully lost. Beer pong isn't my cup of tea and I was happy to not continue onto the next level.

After all that we headed to Spearmint Rhino, which is pretty much the most bangin' strip club in Vegas. The ratio of strippers to johns is unreal and make no mistake about it, these ladies WORK for their money. Kinkbomb CEO grabbed 3 babes to give 3 alternate lap dances to myself, Mistress T, and Domina Snow, creating a fun show for the other half of the party who watched across from us. The night ended soon after tipsy slave Jay's luck ran up as he spoke out of turn and was immediately and harshly dismissed early for the night. Soon after T and I headed back to our room
Day four: First thing in the morning slave Jay arrived full of remorse. We ignored him for most of the morning as we got ready to switch rooms (I was moving to Lyne's and T was moving to Jay's) When we got to the MGM, Mistress T ordered him to strip down naked, ball gagged him, and made him wait kneeling behind the bed so I wouldn't have to see his peen. She finished getting dressed in black latex pants and red corset that was simply to die for. Her hair was done up perky with curls and her make up was perfect as always. She ordered him to lie on his stomach on the bed and spread his legs as she binded his hands behind his back. Slave Jay quietly obeyed, having no idea what was in store. I got the camera ready as we discussed camera angles and timing. She had two riding crops beside him. She picked up one and inspected it carefully and then gave me the nod to start filming.
"This is your punishment for last night," she said, "No safe word."
Mistress T told me her corporal punishment clips dont always sell the best, but she was willing to make an exception to make herself feel better. She whipped his ass with perfect timing and skill, which each slash making a distinct red line. Slave Jay squirmed and howled under his ball gag. Soon the red lines were turning purple as the pain increased exponentially. Even ass his ass began to look collaged with color, she continued to whip him calmly with just a flick of her wrist. I turned the camera over to his face which was red, drooling, and crying. I smiled. When she was finally done we got a couple still shots of the damage and went about our day, leaving slave Jay on the bed in the same position. I had to get ready to meet with Bratty Bunny and began to collect my things. Each time I passed Jay his marks look darker, until half of his ass was literally black with bruises. I admired her work one last time before walking out the door.
I met up with Bratty Bunny in her hotel room, which was all decked out and ready with lights. It was are first time meeting so we chatted a bit over a glass of wine and then went right into shooting, starting right off with yet another make out clip. For those of you wondering, yes, she is an amazing kisser, and quite a sport agreeing to make out with me before ever meeting me or knowing about my herpes. Afterward we filmed more clips involving masturbation instruction, feet, and even my first hypnosis clip.
Immediately afterwards I headed over to Lyne and Goddess Destructions room. It was the first time I got to hang out with Lyne this weekend outside a loud club atmosphere, so we sat for a while exchanging stories about what we've done so far. Afterward we got ready to film, starting out with our bread and butter; feet and joi. Soon after slave Jay arrived at our door ready to film. He was more quiet than usual as he was ordered to only speak when spoken to. We filmed some clips involving heel worship, foot worship and face sitting. Then Lyne got some one on one time with him where she did some bare foot trampling. Something pretty hilarious happened in this clip that got all the girls in the room laughing hysterically. I won't give it away here, you'll just have to buy it when it comes out. (
Sarah Blake arrived to the room with her gear, the last domme I had scheduled to shoot with. We did a couple very sadistic clips involving knives that I'm quite excited about, then a couple more involving Jay, including a candid interview clip discussing what he's done so far and what he has in store the rest of the weekend. Unfortunately my time with Sarah had to be cut short as Rene arrived to shoot with Lyne. I swear, this weekend involved more girls being passed around than a european brothel. It felt good to get the final clip filmed with Sarah knowing I was finally free for the weekend and could party all night with minimal shame. That was until I got an email offering an yet another $600 if I did a make out clip with Lyne. (Oh darn….) I gave Lyne the proposition, but she declined as the thoughts of all the places this dirty pie hole has been ran through her mind. She then offered up her slutty friend Destruction who was more than happy to oblige and I had yet again another make out partner that weekend.
$1200 to make out with 4 chicks. I feel like such a whore.
At long last it was time to get ready for our final night in Vegas. I wore a dress Rene graciously let me borrow since I only brought one for the trip (what kind of princess gets caught dead wearing the same dress twice?) We went out for yet another KB hosted dinner and then out went out to club Chateau, all VIP, of course. It was a blast. The club had a handful of people decked out in crazy costumes walking around the club and at one point fairy wings were being passed around. It was the perfect night to end a crazy weekend.
Wanna see even more pictures of my week in Vegas? including well over a dozen shots of me in those killer boots? Join my members area: |