Tag Archives: love + radio


His email:

I caught you on the Love + Radio podcast the other day and found you to be insightful and intelligent. Very refreshing.

I don’t mean to tell you your business, but I would be a bit careful as to how you treat some of your clients. I know it’s just for fun and a way to make a living, but some of the people who seek you need help. Professional help. And a humilatrix might get them off, but it also might just dig them deeper into their hole.

The vast majority of your clients are probably just horny and find you attractive and fun, but their are indeed troubled souls out there. And I know you don’t intend to make them more troubled. So please be careful. And stay hot.

My Response:

How do you propose I do that?

It would be easy to suggest my job is unethical if seeking out my services was purely a symptom of mental instability. But it isn’t. As you acknowledged, most of my clients are just horny and find me fun. Healthy people have fetishes, even ones related to deep humiliation. What people enjoy sexually does not give you any kind of predictive inference about who they are as a person.

However, given that there are a certain number of people in the general population that are mentally ill, it then follows that a certain percentage of my clients are mentally ill as well and, yes, perhaps my services are not beneficial to them given their current condition.

How am I to distinguish this sort of client from the rest? The only information they are giving me is what makes their dick hard.

What is my responsibility? At what point should override a grown man’s personal choices because I have a better understanding of what’s best for him? Should I run a psychological screening test to ensure each client is in the right state of mind to purchase my services? Request a letter from their doctor?

I do not want to harm anyone, but when someone tells me to “be careful” with no practical tools or advice as to how, all they are doing is instilling feelings of guilt and paranoia, suggesting I have an important yet unattainable moral obligation.

Many of my clients eroticize unethical behavior and personal destruction. They want me to behave like a sadist: to hurt them, fuck them over, leave them broke, destroy their life and not care about them in the slightest.

This could blur the lines of fantasy and reality until one realizes my clients have the power to end the fantasy at any point by turning off their computer. I do not chase them. I never make first contact or follow up. Every interaction with me begins with their initial approach, is contingent upon their payment, and ends when they stop sending money.



I woke up this morning 6am in Caye Caulker, Belize. I spent most of the morning laying in a hammock, taking pictures of the hostel kitten and listening to my Love + Radio episode which went live today.

I’m quite happy with it. Check it out:




I spent the last several days in Tulum Mexico, a cute boho town with Mayan ruins and Cenotes. Mistress T and Meggerz arrived making it a group of 7 of us. It was a refreshing change from Cancun: touristy, but not overly commercial. Charming and laid back.




Our first night we feasted at a Mexican restaurant that treated us to free tequila shots, giant somberos and napkins folded meticulously into roses. The result: 7 women simultaneously partaking in a 20 min selfie session.



We rented bikes and rode around the town, visiting the beach and the ruins.


Alex, Shauna and I spent the next day scuba diving in the Cenotes. It was incredible. Our first two dives were in Dos Ojos where we swam through caves and resurfaced in sections where bats dwelled and were miserable over the fact that divers were constantly shining lights at them. Afterwards we dove in El Pit. Easily one of my favorite dives of all time. A 100m cavernous pit with sun rays shining through. I felt like I was floating through space in canyon from another planet.


Later that day I learned that one of Mistress T’s good friends, “Gaspman,” of Club Stelitto, had passed away. I didn’t know him, but watching T greive over him that night was one of the most tragically beautiful things I’ve wittnessed. She spoke uninhibitly through tears about how he lived, who he was, and how precious life is. I was at a loss of words (not that there was anything I could have said that would have made a difference.) So I just listened, soaking it in. She made me wish I knew him.


Death has a way of making you reflect on your own life. Am I living it the way I should? Do the things I stress over really matter? Are the people I hang out with really worth my time? If I died tomorrow, would I regret anything?


On our last day we found a small seafood food restaurant off the beaten path on the beach. They cooked freshly caught fish over an open fire. It had no sign or menu, the waiters barely spoke English. We ordered some of the best ceviche and lobster I’ve ever had. Afterward then lounged hammocks tied to trees and enjoyed each others company as the sun set.



Love + Radio

A couple weeks ago I had the pleasure of being interviewed by one of my favorite podcasts: Love + Radio. The host, Nick, is currently residing outside the states so we conducted the interview over Skype and it was recorded in my basement by a peer of his in the podcast circuit.


I’m very excited to be a part of this. Love + Radio is a story-based podcast that I have been listening to regularly for the past year. We recorded just under 3 hours of audio, which will be edited down to about 30 minutes and paired with music to tell my story about working in the fetish world.

Nick has asked me to record some of my niteflirt phone conversations to use in the final piece. If you would like to be a part of this, you can access my special listing for it here:


I have reduced my usual rate down to $1.99/min to entice more customers to call. I will ask for consent to record the conversation at the beginning. If you do not wish to be recorded, you will be asked to call one of my normal listings.

I will be recording phone calls through this line Fri-Sun Feb. 20th-22nd. This podcast will be available to the public on iTunes. So if a little public humiliation is your thing, this is a pretty fantastic opportunity for you. Let your freak flag fly.

You’re welcome.
