Are you ready for this?
See ya next week
Well bitches, I'll be out of town this week and completely unreachable via phone or email. Can anyone guess where I'm going? Yeah yeah, I haven't updated this blog in well over a month, so perhaps this news is meaningless to those of you who use this as your solitary form of keeping up with me. Oh well. Eat me.
Princess bake sale
Princess bake sale is ON, bitches!
$25 gets you 1 brownie, the full length video above + an additional spit fetish clip of your choice
Have you celebrated the anniversary of my existence today?

For all of you who’ve failed to show a proper tribute, your punishment is to buy my birthday rip off clip:
This is how you write a fan letter
I spent a lot of time on your site last night….I select the "show 100 clips per page option" always, so your clips ended up on five pages, at 100 per page. I scrolled through all of them. and read about 60% of the descriptions. Then I bought two. Going back for more in a short while, but first wanted to write you to say thank you for a studio – in every one of its production values and content standards – that is exactly – precisely – what I’ve sought for years w/whores, escorts, lady boys, boys, porn, peep places, strange women alone on street at night, and tens of thousands of dollars – high tens easily – on phone sex. When I find a phone girl I like, and one who can keep up with me, I remain with her.
Now I’ve found you.
Let me know if this is where I request a custom video to be made for me, by you.
thank you.
I got to be unstoppable
I just noticed three of my latest clips are in the top 50. Do I even have to try anymore? Hahahaha…
My life rules
This is what you missed on cam yesterday:
Devastating, isn’t it? It’s been a rush milking you losers on niteflirt lately. Thomas of course called again. It was a much shorter call than usual for him – only 40 minutes (at $5/min.) Apparently I really squeezed him dry the day before and he only had so much in him. No matter, that loser is so addicted its not even funny.
I love it how the more active I am as a humiliatrix, the more drive-by tributes and absurd emails I receive. Here’s one of my favorites from yesterday, I think this was meant to say "dear penthouse" rather than "Dear Ceara."
Riiiight…. moving on, this crack head has been sending me random tributes accompanied by emails like this:
Hahaha I like this guy. Nothing like a complete downward spiral to get your cock off. DEEPER BITCH. DEEPER! I just might reply to your emails one of these days.
Here’s another happy driveby from yesterday. Gotta love that message;
Anyway. I posted a new panty auction on ebanned for my satin pink thong. You know you want to get your grubby little hands on it, so what are you waiting for?
Adventures on niteflirt
Gotta love a 4-figure day. I had my working socks on and they paid off as usual. If you missed me on niteflirt, prepare yourself, this picture of me today draining wallets will undoubtedly make you cry:
I had a lovely chat with "Mike," a lowly foot slave who’s been following me for a while now. We had a fascinating conversation about the wonder that is me (gotta love getting paid by the minute to listen to someone ramble on about how amazing and perfect you are.) Apparently Mike bought a pair of my used flip flops 3 years back and to this day take them with him when he travels and sleeps with them at night. Man, what a winner. And newly wed too! Such a lucky bride. What woman doesn’t dream of one day marrying a man who’d rather lick the bottom of my shoes than fuck her rotting snatch?
Anyway, my sissy boy Sandra (aka Danny) also made an appearance today. A few months he would buy custom clips and send me pictures of himself getting reamed by his mistress in his frilly get-up, until the day he stopped contacting me in favor of serving another Domme "exclusively." (Let’s all take a pause for a minute to laugh hysterically at that notion.) No surprise to anyone, he came back with $300 in hand and an facebook log in to play with. The results are in:
What a shame I could only get as far as this before getting logged off. But hey, tomorrow is another day, right?
Pathetic Sissy: Next time you can fuck me over by changing my password on facebook first thing, so I can’t kick you out.
Spoken like a true slut for exposure. I can’t wait to fuck with this bitch again.
In other news, Thomas called; another sissy who’s infamous in my mind for never hanging up the fucking phone. He creams his panties 3-4 times and will stay on the phone FOREVER; wimpering to himself that he should "really go," but just can’t muster up the control to hang up the phone. We had a lengthy 45 minute phone conversation at $5/min, (which would have been longer if I hadn’t had prior commitments.) Immediately after our phone call he signed up for kinkbomb and threw down a cool $300 for my worn panties. Man I love milking that addict. A little upskirt shot and wiggle of the toes and he’s hooked like a trout.
Finally, I had a special drive by today that put a big fat smile on my face.
True words, my friend. Now go do that again.
Fantasy vs. reality and the ethical implications of taboo fetishes
It’s been a while since I felt inspired to write about a heated topic such as this, so here it goes.
I want to start out by saying I think it is important and healthy for humans to contemplate ethical boundaries. I wouldn’t be writing this if I didn’t. However, I also know its a slippery slope when we start deeming content that is for adults, by adults, and only involves normal, consenting adults to be unethical. It is a domino effect that will inevitably knock down the piece that metaphorically represents all the crazy fucked up and deranged things we do as femdoms if we allow frivolous censorship to have its way.
I read some uproar recently on twitter regarding a studio that featured a girl depicting sex acts with a stuffed animals along with other clips that had varying incest themes with such charming titles as, "mating with mommy" "fuck your father" "feeding baby man" etc. Here is a screen shot of the studio in question:
Apparently a few Dommes within the scene have been rather outraged by these clips. One Domme in particular has been especially vocal about her stance, proclaiming that "any type of child molestation is offensive," and promising to boycott kinkbomb until the material was removed. hmm ok.
I find it ironic that someone coming from a rather transgressive scene be to quick the jump into the role of thought police. You don’t have to like age play or furry subcultures, but if its not negatively affecting you or anyone else…. who cares? (Please note that being offended doesn’t count are being "negatively affected" as everything will always offend someone.)
Yeah, I get it, were talking about the idea of what’s considered the most despicable and unethical acts imaginable (raping children), along with probably whats considered one of the more disgusting acts imaginable (having sex with animals.) But let’s think about this for a minute, the key concept here is the idea. This chick is using a plush toy, not a dog. She is using her words, not children.
Which brings us to an interesting question brought up on twitter:
"really its ok to ‘pretend’ to fuck animals and children?"
Well, first of all, I think it’s rather misleading to put "pretend" in quotes. This is actual pretending. To fuck an animal or a child, an actual animal or child has to be involved, otherwise its not real and therefor pretend. But thats not the question here. Is it "really ok?" Yeah, I think so.
I know a lot of people are divided in believing whether or not pornography inspires sexual crimes or inhibits it, I personally lean toward the latter. I can’t say that I’ve ever read legitimate study on the matter (nor would I think any exist considering the ethical implications) but, really, let’s think about the nature of men; the ones we know, the ones we fuck, the ones we manipulate and use. How motivated are they to commit some aggressive, diabolical sex act immediately after they cum? How motivated are they to do anything for that matter? Not very.
My point being, clips like this serve as an outlet for men which could otherwise be replaced with something much more real. Which would you rather have; a man jerking off in his room alone to a clip involving consenting adults playing kinky-pretend? Or a man who exploits children and animals because he has nothing to jerk off to online?
It’s an unfortunate reality and true child/animal exploitation and incest do occur in this world. It’s my personal opinion that if youre going to take the time to be angry and vocal about something, why now be angry and vocal about that? Put your energy into changing the reality of this topic rather than wasting time on the fantasy.
Anyway, that said, I’d like to shamelessly promote some clips along this same vein. Incest has been one of my favorite themes to dabble with lately and my lady Mistress T has fantastic and highly underrated furry clip that easily increased my admiration of her 10 fold. Go buy it now.
"Bad doggy" (search keyword: doggy)
"Sister’s date"
"Family pimping"
"Sister mommy double fuck"
"Kiss your sis"
Disclaimer: this entry was not meant to be a personal attack on anyone. I actually happen to rather like and respect the person who will most likely disagree with me here, and thats totally fine. This isn’t the first time we didnt see eye to eye and probably won’t be the last. Let’s all learn to separate people from issues because if we all had the same opinions we’d be super fucking lame.